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Okay, I'm just going to use bold and italic for Demi's flashbacks!


Demi's POV

Love. The universal thing that almost everyone in life seeks. It's human nature to crave love, and attention. But true love? It's yelling, and frustration. Morning breath and messy hair, Hot night nights after nasty fights that can happen anywhere. It's the silent treatment, and times where you can't shutup about each other. Love is complicated sure, but love is love. And it can happen to anyone.


That night, we decided to to watch a movie. Mac jumped around whining until Nick finally agreed to letting us watch 'The Lion King.' His reluctance told me that this happened a lot. As the opening scene was painted on the screen, Mac climbed onto my lap and curled into me, my arms went around her automatically. The hyena scene came, causing Mac to flinch, and a memory shot through me.


I sat on the couch next to Mac, not cuddling at all. It was my first night with her, and we were watching 'The Lion King.' After all it was one of my favorites, and she'd never seen it before. The music grew dark, and the three hyenas began to chase Nala and Simba. Mac flinched, and leaned into me, allowing me to hug her protectively. A warmth filled my heart, love.


I blinked, and either Mac nor Nick had noticed my daze, they were too engrossed in the movie. I looked down at Mac with a smile, she's mine. My eyes flickered to Nick, now if only I could find him in my head.

"Hey mama?" Mac asked later that night as I was tucking her into bed.

"What's up babygirl?"

She frowned, "Do you still love Dada?"

I froze, "W-what do you mean?"

Her eyes didn't reach mine as she shrugged, "You don't act like you did before you got hurt."

Sighing, I kissed her forehead, "I'm not all fixed Mac, but I love you very much."

A smile lit her tiny face, then Mac yawned sleepily, "Goodnight momma."

I touched her cheek lightly, "Goodnight baby."

"I love you mama." Pulling the blanket's tighter around her I got up, "I love you too"

A pout formed on her lips, "Always?"

Immediately, the word came from deep inside my memory, "Always."


I walked downstairs where Nick was cleaning up. tip-toeing, so he wouldn't hear me, I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed the back of his neck.

"Hi." Nick turned around, taking my face in his hands.

"Hi." As he pulled back I put a hand on the back of his neck, capturing his lips with mine. Again, the butterflies filed me body, and I sighed into the kiss. No one had ever made me feel like this.

"What was that for?"

I shrugged, "Just being here for me means the absolute world."

He smiled, and kissed me again, hesitantly brushing his tongue against my bottom lip in a way that made my entire body ignite. We pulled away once air became an issue, leaning our heads together as we tried to catch our breath.

Silence:Forgotten- Adopted by Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now