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CHAPTER 24- Shock 

Demi's POV 

        I pulled up to the hospital and jumped out of the car. Surprisingly, Mac's carseat cooperated and I was able to get her out in record time as I ran up to the building. 

"Nick Jonas?" I told the receptionist, and she raised an eyebrow. 

"That is a private patient. I can't-" 

I slammed my hand on the counter and lifted my sunglasses, "My name is Demi Lovato, I'm his girlfriend so unless you want a lawsuit on your hands I suggest you tell me the room number." 

The woman's eyes widened considerably and she nodded apologetically as she typed into the computer,  "Room 136, Floor E." 

I threw a 'Thanks' over my shoulder as I rushed towards the elevators. 

"Momma?" I looked down at her once the doors had closed in front of us, her eyes were wide, clearly confused and scared. 

"I'm sorry babygirl but Dada is sick right now and I have to make sure he's okay." She nodded and pushed her face into my chest as the elevator door dinged and I found Nick's room. Taking a deep breath, I walked in, immediately feeling my heart clench at the sight of him hooked up to wires and machines. 

"Oh my God." I set Mac at the foot of the bed and walked over, taking his face in my hands and leaning my forehead against his. 

"Miss? You're not allowed to be in here. It's a private room." 

I didn't look away from Nick's closed eyes, "I'm his girlfriend." 

The man walked in, "Oh, well my name is Steven Mirangi. I'm Nick's doctor. Would you like to call anyone?" 

I sighed, "Yes, his mom need to be here. Can you let me know exactly what happened so I can tell his mom? They just lost their grandfather." 

He nodded, "Well given that information I'm certain that Nick went into diabetic shock. While it can be fatal, Nick has a very healthy body and is already showing very good signs. I say it wouldn't be impossible for him to wake up in the next few hours." 

I ran a hand over my face and nodded, "Okay, I'll call his family." The doctor left and I dialed Denise's number, not letting go of Nick's hand. 

"Hello?" Her sweet voice was rough and cracked, evidence that she'd been crying. 

"Denise, it's Demi. Nick's in the hospital he went into diabetic shock." 

She gasped, "What happened?" 

"He just kind of shut down after you called him. He wouldn't even get up or sleep in the same bed as me. The doctor said he's in stable condition and improving, but still I wanted to let you know." 

Denise sighed, "Okay, I'll be right down there." 

I hung up and texted her the room number and information. When I looked back at Nick, my heart melted at the sight of Mac curled into his side, her head resting on his chest. 

She looked up at me with fearful eyes, "Why isn't he waking up?" 

I smiled and rubbed her back, "He's really tired right now babe." She pouted and shifted anxiously. I frowned, knowing how much she hated hospitals. "Do you want me to call Aunt Dallas or Grandma and have them pick you up?" She bit her lip and nodded shyly. I pulled out my phone and asked both of them in a group message, my mom responded first and said she'd be right there. I watched Mac and Nick lay together for a while and sighed, I knew at some point I'd have to come to terms with Nick's disease and live with the terror everyday of something happening to him like this. 

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