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CHAPTER 6- Anger

Demi's POV 

 Anger is a very tedious thing. There can be good anger and bad anger. Good anger is when you stand up for something you believe in. Bad anger, is when you act out, and do things without thinking that can hurt other people. Many people struggle with their anger, many people try and run away from it. However, running away never really works out. If you avoid your anger long enough, something little could tick you off and it's like setting off a bomb, destroying everything in it's path. 


             I woke up with Mac snuggled into me. Memories of last night surfaced and I sighed when I looked down at her innocent, sleeping face. How could she ever think I'd not want her in my life every second of everyday? I pulled away with a sigh, deciding to let my little angel sleep. Walking downstairs, I saw Nick in the kitchen with his back to me. "Hi." I said nervously, walking into the room. Something about being alone with Nick makes me completely giddy inside. "Hey baby." He reached for me and I felt butterflies explode in my chest at his touch as he hugged me. Pulling away slightly, I attached my mouth to his, smiling into the kiss as his arms tightened around me. "I love you." The words rolled off of my tongue effortlessly and the lazy grin that spread across his face make my insides turn to mush. "I love you too Demi, it feels to good to hear you say that." I giggled, the pecked his lips again before getting distracted by the mess behind him. "What are you making?" Nick's ears went red as he glanced behind him, "Uhm... cookies. We ran out of flour though." I smiled, "I'll run to the store, I need to pick up a few things anyway." He looked at the mess again and sighed, "You sure? I could go instead..." I giggled, "You wanna pick me up some tampons too?" Nick rolled his eyes, "Dems I don't give a shit about losing my 'man card' or anything. If you need tampons, I'll get you tampons." I cut him off by kissing him quickly. "I was kidding... but i'll remember that for next month." 


                 I strolled through the supermarket, sunglasses on and my hood up so no one could recognize me. Quickly, grabbing deodorant, and a few other things that Mac was running low on, I walked into the baking needs isle and - "OOF." I looked up after colliding with a solid body. "Oh my God i'm so sorr- Wilmer?" The tanned Latino in front of me flashed a full set of white teeth, "Hola Hermosa." 

I walked into Wilmer's apartment in tears. He's in New York and I miss him more than anything so I decided to stop by and grab one of his sweatshirts to sleep in. A groan stopped me as I walked through the door. "Mm baby just like that." I could feel my heart shattering at every moan as I walked into the living room. "WILMER WHAT THE FUCK?!" Wilmer's head snapped up, guilt and surprise all over his face. "Demi! I..." He trailed off as I held up my hand, "You come near me again, you try to talk to me or my family or friends, ever again, I will fucking ruin you." His face twisted in pain and his head bowed, "I'm sorry." The girl poked her head out from under the couch, "Who's this Willie?" 

             I shook my head and glared at him, "I take that back, I'm not sorry." Wilmer smirked, "Feisty, I like feisty." My face showed disgust as he moved closer to me, "You made the wrong choice Demi." 

My head was pounding as Wilmer acted so casual about getting me drunk to have sex. "Relax Dems, we've had sex before. And you used to stay over here all the time." He got up and I chucked a book at his head, "IN CASE YOU DIDN'T REALIZE, THE REASON I DON'T STAY OUT ALL NIGHT IS BECAUSE I HAVE A FUCKING DAUGHTER AND I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO DO SHIT LIKE THIS." Wilmer chuckled, infuriating me even more. "Demi don't even get me started on that daughter of yours." My eyes widened, "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" He stood up, my anger blocking out anything he was saying but only one sentence stood out, "I think it's time to make a choice. Me, or Mac." 

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