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CHAPTER 29- Left

Demi's POV

I nervously shook my leg as my driver pulled into my driveway. It was around two in the morning, but Nick's car was in the driveway so I knew him and Mac home. I slowly walked up the stairs to the front door and hesitated, not knowing if I should knock or just walk in. After a minute, I turned the handle and strode in, quietly shutting it behind me. I found Nick laying in his bed, shirtless on his back and snoring a bit. I nearly started crying when I saw him, I'd missed him so much. Natalie had managed to find me a flight at last minute and I was flying home in just a couple of hours. I tip-toed over to the bed and sat next to him, gently setting a hand on his chest.

"Nick?" He didn't respond so I leaned down and gently kissed him, "Wake up baby." His eyes fluttered opened and once they focused on me his mouth dropped.

"Demi?... What?"

I smiled and leaned down to press my forehead against his, "I had to make sure we were okay before I went and performed songs that document our relationship. I would've broken down onstage."

Nick sighed, "Demi you didn't need to-"

"Yes I did." I interrupted, "I don't like hanging up on each other and not knowing if we're okay. I meant what I said Nick. I'll cancel everything. I'd rather not lose you than cancel a few shows."

Nick shook his head, "Demi I don't want you to do that. Your fans down there have been camping out for days. We're fine. I know things are going to be tough but you can't just fly out here every time things get rough. I'm more concerned about Mac and how she's going to react to this. In fact I don't know if you should even see her. I don't want to make it harder for her. To see you and get her hopes just to have you leave again."

I nodded and sighed, "Well my flight is tomorrow morning so I can leave before she even wakes up."

Nick nodded, "I'm sorry for hanging up on you Dems."

I smiled and brushed back one of his curls, "It's okay, I probably would've done the same thing, I'm promise, it's fine."

He smiled suddenly, and grabbed my waist, pulling me down next to him and burying his face into my neck, "I missed you."

He mumbled, and I smiled, "I missed you too baby, so much."

He sighed and I let my hand graze over his crotch, settling over the spot I knew he was most sensitive. "So much."

Nick moaned slightly as I increased pressure using my hand and rubbed him a bit through the thin material of his boxers. The veins in his neck tensed as his hips bucked automatically, and NIck let out a soft moan. He pressed his lips to my neck, nipping lightly at my skin.

"Damn it Demi." He hissed, and I slipped my hand into the shorts and slowly pumped his member. "Fuck." He panted, trying desperately to hold back as I moved relentlessly fast. Then, just before he climaxed, I pulled away.

"Seriously?" He hissed, and I shot him a wicked smile before pulling off my clothes and pressing my body over his and kissing him passionately as we both rubbed against each other. He grabbed at my ass, pressing me down on him harder. I felt his body tense, and pulled away again, causing Nick to groan out of frustration. I slowly sat up and slid his member inside of me, both of us letting out a loud moan as he filled me.

"Fuck." I hissed, as NIck slowly trust up into me. I let my body descend so my elbows rested on either side of his head so our lips were an inch apart as he began to move faster in me.

"Oh God." I whispered hoarsely into his ear, "Fuck me."

He flipped us over so he could have better angle and soon was hitting my most pleasurable;e spot in my body. I let out an animalistic growl as Nick threw his head back and we climaxed together. He collapsed over me, catching himself so our faces were close.

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