Chapter Four

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We all stood in the opening room, waiting Matt stood facing the door tapping his foot on the ground with his arms crossed and he looked livid.

The door opened and Watari walked in followed by a boy with shoulder length blonde hair and an annoyed look on his face and a shorter boy with short white hair who had a black eye and his right arm was in a sling and in his left hand he held a toy robot.

L got up and walked over to the shorter boy and placed a hand on his head

"Near. Are you okay?" L asked the shorter boy nodded L glanced over to the taller boy who now looked slightly nervous.

"Mello. I am incredibly disappointed in you. But I will not be the one to lecture you." Mello glanced over to Matt his facial expression didn't change L gently led Near out of the way and sat him down in a chair. I looked at Matt waiting for him to say something.

"Mello..." Matt said at last.

"Matt..." Mello replied.

"I only asked you to do one thing before I left Wammys. And I asked you that same thing every time we talked over the past few weeks. I asked you to stay out of Nears way. And each time you responded with the same thing. "I'll try" Well Mello, clearly you didn't try hard enough cause we wouldn't be in this situation if you had. Near would not be sitting over there with a black eye and a broken arm."

"I-" Mello started before Matt held a hand up to stop him.

"I'm not done. I don't want to hear you try and defend yourself cause honestly there is nothing you can say to get me any less pissed at you."

"How do you know he didn't deserve it Mail?" Mello responded his expression growing even more annoyed

"Mello!" L said from a little bit behind me I glanced back at him to see him glaring at Mello

"Don't you fucking dare say my name right now. You don't have the right."

Mail? I thought. Rubbing the name on my arm.

"I don't know or care what your reasoning is but I know that whatever Near did or said he did not deserve what you gave him."

"So you're defending him?" Mello asked I swear if looks could kill Mello would be dust with the glare Matt was sending his way.

"You'd find a way to take on 3 people twice your size. And Near is so much smaller and weaker than you are Mels you knew this and you didn't care. So yes I am defending the 15 year old boy with a broken arm and a black eye instead of the 18 year old boy who gave it to him."

Mello stood there not saying anything. Matt sighed and turned away from him.

"Light. Will you show Mello to his room?" L said I looked back to him and nodded I glanced at Mello he looked at me for a second eyes slightly wide

"Light.... wait- Light Yagami?" Mello asked staring at me, shocked

"Yes Mello, how do you feel now? Announcing my name to the room that my soulmate is in." Matt asked turning back to him. "Who by the way, didn't know." Mello looked down avoiding his eyes

"Matt-" Mello started

"No Mels I don't want to hear an apology telling me how you didn't know. Because that's no excuse. I can't even look at you right now. Light just take him up to his room"

"Matt-?" I started

"We'll talk about it later okay?" He said looking back to me I nodded and started walking about of the room making sure that Mello was following me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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