Chapter 9: A Trial

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So, for part of this chapter, I wrote it using V (Volt) on repeat. I'm sure you can guess where when you get to it, and I suggest you use it as well! Now, time for Chapter 9!

Chapter 9

A Trial

It was early morning when Ash awoke, hearing the sounds outside in the Berry Farm. Stretching wide from his position on the couch, Ash stood and carefully stepped over Clemont, trading out his underclothes for his traveling ones and stepping outside. The sun was just rising over the island, bathing it in a golden glow. Ash sucked in a breath, hearing the creaking of the door behind him as Pikachu and Rowlet slowly made their way out to him, the latter looking just as sleepy as ever.

"Okay!" he said, his voice rising in volume. Rowlet snapped out of his stupor and to attention as Ash took Greninja and Pikipek's pokeballs, tossing them into the air. His other two Pokémon appeared alongside Pikachu and Rowlet, Greninja looking as stoic as ever while Pikipek looked sharp. "Today's the day of our first trial, guys, and I know we'll give it our all!"

"Pika!" Pikachu cheered, leading the others to do so as well.

"Pikipek, I know you're a little new, but I'm counting on you, too," Ash told his newest partner. Pikipek nodded from where she was flapping to remain airborne. "Let's go into this together and win!" His hands, and those (well, close enough) of his Pokémon touched one another and lifted high.

"I see you're as fired up as ever, Ash." He turned, noting that Serena was there, still dressed in her pajamas, as though she'd heard him leave and followed.

"Definitely. And I know I can win because you're rooting for me," Ash said, stepping closer to his girlfriend. He rarely took the time to appreciate how beautiful she looked in the sunrise. Serena nodded, indicating that he was right and Ash decided, based on his rumbling stomach, that it was time for breakfast. He stepped towards her, taking her hand as they headed back into the house.

To his surprise, the smell of food was already filling the house, and he noticed Kumu in the kitchen, cooking up some seemingly delicious food. The man grinned at them as they entered. "Hey there, just cooking up some breakfast. After you eat, we'll be all ready to go. All right?"

"Sounds good to me!" Ash insisted, taking his place at the table. Soon after, Kumu had put breakfast on the table and he and all his Pokémon were busy digging in. Clemont, Bonnie and Hua soon joined them, eating at a much more moderate pace. Regardless, the sun had finally risen by the time they were all finished eating and in the truck that Kumu used.

"Take care of the farm until I get back!"

"Will do," Hua said, waving at all of them. Rising into the air was the flock of Pikipek, sending farewells to Ash's new partner on his shoulder. "Good luck on your trial!"

"Yeah!" Ash called, raising his fist to the air from the backseat. The others all looked back with him, each of them giving their farewells to Hua as the truck started up and she soon disappeared into the distance. Once she had and they were on the dirt road, Ash faced forward again, most of his team all sitting on his shoulder as they drove along.

"Yay! This is a really quick way to travel!" Bonnie said, leaning outside the open air of the truck. Clemont appeared to panic, grabbing Bonnie by her shirt and pulling her back in. All she did in response was secure her hat and giggle.

As the siblings fretted and giggled, Ash turned to his team members by placing his backpack (Rowlet included) on his lap. "We're gonna train when we get to the Pokémon Center, okay! An extra hour of training won't hurt, and you can show me even more of what you can do, Pikipek."

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