Chapter 23: A Movement

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I wish there was something I could give other than gratitude. This has become my most popular story by far! Let's continue to have it grow! But now, Chapter 23!

Chapter 23

A Movement

The first thing Ash noticed upon the group's arrival back into Heahea City that bright, sunny morning, was how positively busy it seemed. Tourists and civilians lined the streets, approaching shops and stalls of all natures. Some were dressed to fit the city, while others were clearly tourists out for the day. The number one fact, however, was the impression that the Heahea Ceremony appeared to be a big thing.

"Certainly lots of people," Maka said, skipping ahead of their group as she peered down the streets. Her gaze was obviously drawn towards the hotel, where the Ceremony would be taking place. "I wonder if they're going to televise the event..."

"They do that?" Serena asked. Ash looked back to her, noticing that her egg was now back in her arms, sending little snowflakes onto her skin. "I mean, I thought they did, but only for smaller towns."

"Well, sure," Maka told her. She was reaching up again, adjusting her hair with her ribbon, this time making it into a bun. "Melemele is small, so they don't really advertise the Ceremonies, but when you get to islands as big as Akala, it's kind of inevitable. It's how I found out about it, seeing the Hope Leilani one year...It was magnificent."

"Seems like you've wanted to take part in this since you were a little girl, then," Clemont noted to the girl. Ash realized that Maka had gone practically starry eyed, like she was lost in the memory of it. Ash didn't blame her; all too often he'd remember the battles he'd witnessed on live television, making him want to go on that journey. A grimace flashed over his face as he pushed down the question still bubbling its way up.

"I have! I mean, my passion has always been filmmaking, especially being in a small place like Melemele, but seeing that made me realize there are so many ways to film things," Maka told them, her tone wistful and almost romantic. "I want to produce an amazing film, and when people see me...well, a backup is always producing the television project for the Hope Leilani. That would be amazing."

"It sounds rather amazing," Lillie told the girl, herself enthused with the concept of the Ceremony. That was no surprise, either. Lillie had always seemed interested in that particular world.

"Totally is...but if I'm gonna do it, I still need to beat Serena, or at least get close enough to her, so it's off to pre-production for me!" Maka claimed. With a wave to them all, the girl turned on her heels and began running off towards the Tide Song Hotel with nary another word. Serena quickly waved back, as did they all, but Maka was clearly too fast on her feet to see the farewell.

"I guess I should get some training in, too," Serena said, hitching her bag just a little on her shoulders. Ash nodded; he had full confidence that Serena would win this one, but just like his Gym battles in the past, as well as his trials, it was still important to get in that extra bit of training.

"Perhaps we should pay a visit to the Pokémon Center, then," Clemont suggested amicably. "That way we can all get our Pokémon checked over and you can be sure you're ready for the Ceremony."

"Sounds like a good idea," Serena accepted, turning in the direction of the Center. Ash looked to Pikachu. He had been looking a little tired from all of their own training, confirming that a little checkup before the Ceremony wouldn't be the worst of things.

"In the meantime, since Dedenne is as fit as ever," Bonnie suggested, twirling around a bit, "why don't Lillie and I go reserve some seats?"

"Can Bonnie really do that?" Rotom snickered out. Dedenne seemed to answer the snark with a Nuzzle. Bonnie just smirked at the Pokédex, grabbing ahold of Lillie's hand.

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