Chapter 13: A Lesson

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I need to (again) clear up a misconception: yes, Ash has faced Elite Four members before, however, this is the first time he's had to face one at that level not in a skirmish or test battle but as something serious to move forward...kind of. Wanted to make that clear for you guys. But enough of that! Time for Chapter 13!

Chapter 13

A Lesson

Guzma. In just a few short minutes, the man, with his Team Skull regalia and baggy clothes, and his name had seared themselves into Ash's mind. He couldn't explain exactly what it was that made it so, though he had to guess that a large part of it had to do with the man outright interrupting his Grand Trial. More than that, however, was that he wasn't alone.

Team Skull was there. A whole lot of them.

"Pikachu, Greninja, get ready for anything," Ash muttered to his partners. Rowlet and Pikipek seemed to hear him as well, tensing up near his shoulders. Down past the stage, Popplio had hopped out of Serena's arms with a fierce expression. For a Pokémon that had just joined her team, it was remarkably ready for action. Certainly a good fit. The others around him also seemed to be on high alert, including the townsfolk. While they seemed surprised by the sudden occupation from Team Skull on their roofs and hills, a number of them already had Pokémon by their side. So, too, did the bad guys in front of them.

"Guzma, you impetuous fool!" Hala roared, his voice echoing over the hills and mountains. Ash almost wondered if they would have heard him over in Hau'oli City. He was certain they would probably feel the tremors from the Kahuna stepping off the stage and slamming his foot down powerfully. Guzma didn't flinch and continued to smirk in the older man's direction. "You never learn, do you?"

"I was never a very good student," Guzma chuckled out, flexing his fingers a little.

"That's the truth," Kukui said. At his feet was Rockruff, growling at the leader of Team Skull menacingly. Guzma ignored him, still keeping his gaze between both Hala and Ash. It made Ash tense up, and Greninja even more so, given the vibes he was getting from him.

"No, you never were..." Hala sighed out. "Always running off instead of doing what was expected. You never took training or education seriously."

"Enough of this talk, Master Hala," Guzma snapped, wearing the rather unattractive scowl on his face once more. "I didn't come here to battle you or talk 'bout old times. I came for this kid."

"Why?" Serena snapped defiantly. Ash was surprised to hear her speak up for just a moment before realizing that it all made sense. She'd had enough of people targeting them, and she was no longer afraid to say so. Guzma didn't look to her as he answered her query.

"'Cause I want to see what Island Challengers are like these days," Guzma answered, the scowl transforming to a smirk. Ash clenched his fist, looking the older man right in the eye.

"There are plenty of those," Serena shot back. "Go bother someone else."

"Nah, I like this one," the man chuckled out. Ash narrowed his eyes, incapable of comprehending just why Guzma would be so interested in him. So he stared at the man, trying to discern his true intention behind things as Hala stepped forward with Hariyama, every single one becoming like a shuddering earthquake of fury. "And I like the town. Ain't that right, boys?"

"Yeah!" the Team Skull members all called out to their boss, each of them sending more and more Pokémon out. It was like an occupying army, practically, all setting their eyes on taking the town or razing it to the ground.

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