Chapter 17: A Connection

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I've spent so much time clearing up misconceptions, I've no idea what to say here...oh well, please enjoy Chapter 17!

Chapter 17

A Connection

Dinner at the Paniola Ranch was a sumptuous affair. More than that, though, it was lively. Mallow and Clemont had worked a couple hours to prepare a large spread, something that even Ash was allowed to help least until Mallow had kicked he and Kiawe out of the kitchen. Following that, until the bell had rung for the ranch hands to gather for dinner, Ash and Kiawe spent their time practicing and training together, the raven-haired trainer admitting that Kiawe was a pretty cool guy to be around.

"Feel it flow through you, the power between trainer and Pokémon," Kiawe exemplified as he and Marowak moved as one. "Single purpose."

"Yeah, I get that," Ash said, moving his arms in accordance with the movements required for Breakneck Blitz, yet still nothing was happening between him and Pikachu, or any of the others, as they practiced their own moves against one another. "It's just not working."

"Hmmm..." the captain stated, folding his arms. "Maybe it's not about being one, but that you haven't found a purpose in using Z-Moves. There's been no need. Sometimes we pull out our greatest strength when backed into a corner."

"Maybe..." Ash noted. He'd never thought of that before. Part of him thought he was just hesitant to use his Z-Moves because he'd seen how powerful they were and didn't want that power to spill over. However, the other part of him now saw sense in what Kiawe was saying. Maybe he and all his Pokémon shared the same mindset of winning without that special sort of power. The same way he'd tried to not use Infernape's Blaze or defeated Korrina's Mega Lucario with Pikachu alone. "Thanks, Kiawe. I think it might help."

"I hope so. I want to battle you at full strength come my trial," Kiawe said, reaching out with a fist that Ash bumped. A bell rang overhead then to signify dinner as Serena came out to get them, and in no time, they and the ranch hands were seated at the table, consuming dinner at an accelerated rate. Kiawe appeared frightened, but upon tasting the food, dug in. It was only as they were about to fall asleep for the night that Bonnie made a surprising proclamation.

"I wanna teach Dedenne a new move," Bonnie yawned out. Clemont nearly fell off the couch he was sleeping upon. Dedenne crawled up Bonnie and stared at her with wide eyes. She reached over and stroked his tail with a smile. "Seeing Braixen learn Psyshock made me think I can do it, too. I think without it...we won't be able to protect each other..."

"Dene?" Dedenne asked, but as he was content, he seemed to accept it.

"Will Pikachu and Luxray help?" Bonnie asked of Ash and Clemont. Ash only nodded, himself close to nodding off next to Serena, who had rolled just a little closer to him in her rest. Clemont made a noise of assent, reaching over and ruffling Bonnie's hair inside her Tyrantrum pajamas. Rotom was powered down next to him.

Thinking it was nice to see the siblings helping one another out, Ash turned over, ignoring Kiawe's snores in the other room. He looked at Serena for just a moment, chest rising and falling rhythmically, before he fell asleep, a lone thought on his mind. She really does look good in my clothes...

It was that thought he woke up with as well, considering his dreams had been filled with images of Serena in his clothing commanding Pikachu, just like she had back in Kalos. He'd never thought about it before like that, but now that he was, he realized he wouldn't mind seeing it more often. It was bad enough that Serena caught him still thinking about it as she ate breakfast, dressed in her own clothes once again. She finally cleared it from his head by leaning over and giving him a kiss, something that Kiawe reacted to by dropping his spoon with a surprising blush.

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