Chapter 22: A Premonition

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Some things in my personal life may be changing for the better soon, but fear not, wonderful readers, this story's schedule will not change! I promise that! So, for now, please enjoy Chapter 22!

Chapter 22

A Premonition

The journey back to Heahea City from Lush Jungle seemed much shorter to Ash. Maybe it was because they weren't making so many stops on their way back to the city, or it could have been because it felt like they were going downhill. Either way, Ash appreciated the leisure of simply being able to walk and train as they went. Part of that included introducing Passimian to the rest of the group, most of which accepted him easily, especially Luxray and Greninja, who seemed to take a liking to him. Of course, Serena, in particular, seemed particularly fired up for her upcoming Ceremony...even if it was sometimes harder than she'd like to admit.

One night, after they had passed by Paniola Ranch to the right and what looked like an abandoned trailer park way far off to their left, Serena had stayed up until well after the sun set, practicing her different combinations with Popplio and Pancham. While the combinations with Sylveon and Braixen appeared to be going quite well, it seemed that Pancham's extra mobility wasn't as well suited to Popplio's own restricted movement on the stage.

"If we had some water, you'd be able to move around freely, but..." Serena commented. It was clearly a worrisome prospect for her, one that Ash watched her struggle with. Clemont and Rotom had zoned out that night completely, while the girls seemed to be watching Serena as they fell asleep.

"Maybe you should be more involved with Popplio," Ash suggested. Serena had turned to him, looking surprised at it. He laughed a bit, feeling embarrassed about telling her how to run her own routine, but she continued to look at him with interest. "Well, if Popplio can't move as freely, then maybe by putting yourself more into it, she can use your body as a means of launching moves and all that. You know, like how Talonflame supported Frogadier in my battle against Olympia."

"I guess you have a point...though it isn't very helpful for a battle..." Serena mused. Ash folded his arms at that point, thinking on how he could help her figure that issue out. It took her a couple minutes to think before she finally smiled, leaning forward to give Ash a kiss on the cheek without saying anything. The raven-haired trainer had to wonder whether she'd figured it all out or not, but considering that she didn't give him a response, he decided to let the issue go and get some sleep.

"She'll be fine, anyway...right, Pikachu?" Ash called, laying himself upon his sleeping bag. Pikachu mumbled in his state of rest, rolling over. Ash took that as a sign of agreement and decided to get some sleep, himself, that night.

By morning, Serena had a rather lively spring in her step, clutching Popplio happily in her arms as she led them along the path to Heahea City. She was even humming brightly as Popplio flapped her flippers joyously. Bonnie appeared to join in on the general mood, skipping forward alongside Serena. Lillie just hung back with Ash and Clemont.

"She seemed like she was thinking about it all night," Lillie told the two boys. From within the bag, Nebby popped his head out. It prompted Ash to look at him, to which he responded with a mischievous little smile. "I think she worked it out, though. Obviously, she didn't actually perform it, but I really can't wait to see it in action! Nebby, no."

"Pew..." Nebby sounded out, prepared to slink back into the bag at the girl's remonstrations. However, he ceased, looking around as he fidgeted about. Up ahead, Serena also stopped, turning and peering curiously into a forest. Ash pulled up, knitting his brow in confusion before he decided to follow her gaze.

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