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My name is Sombre. It hasn't always been my name, in fact I've had a few. Those were in my darkest days, days of cruelty mixed with what life was all about. See my life hasn't always been as it is now. This soft green grass beneath my nice full stomach and the sun above my home as it shines down on me with tints of magic that I never knew existed. No, life was very different for me. See my name is Sombre for a reason, my humans call me it because it describes my past, Sombre, dark, dull and shrouded in grave sorrow. Memories still haunt me as though it were only yesterday, pains still creep up on my now healed wounds, not even my puppy hood brought much joy. For what joy there was of it, was soon replaced with brutality and the fight for survival, I am Sombre, and these are my memories of being a fighting dog.

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