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The inside of the house was spacious, unlike the previous homes it held the feeling of warmth and welcoming. A soft scent floated about the rooms as I walked around inspecting the territory, the rooms were bright from the sunshine glowing in, the floors were carpeted in the bedrooms and living room but the kitchen and diner were wood flooring, feeling funny on my paws.

I settled in the house quite quickly, it took a gentle hold of me and I began to feel accepted.

'Oi, you.' The lady said. 'I have something for you.' She said, as she glided towards me. She sunk down next to me and showed me a strange looking chew toy that smelt delicious. I sniffed it but never took it.

'My name is Kira,' She said to me smiling and still holding the toy. 'You, I am going to call Sombre.' My one ear twitched, so many names I had been given, they meant nothing to me any more, but that thing in her hand was really getting my interest. I sniffed it again then looked at her.

'It's a pigs ear, you narna.' She shoved it in my mouth and told me to chew away till my heart was content, then leaving the living room she went outside, leaving the door open behind her.

"Your name is Sombre." Her voice echoed in my mind as I chewed on the pigs ear for a second, then the pain shot through my jaw, it hurt and sent sharp pains to my skull. I rumbled a sigh of disappointment, the pigs ear taunting me as it looked up at me from the floor. I sneezed at it with distaste and promised it I would eat it when I was out of pain. I hobbled like an old man out to the garden, Kira was sitting on a bean bag she had taken out, a book in her hand and a finger being gnawed as her eyes flicked across the pages. I looked around, grass was everywhere, the garden was enclosed by high fencing, and a small bush like tree was in the shade of the back corner, I made my way towards my new friend. I sat at her side looking into her concentrated eyes, she blinked took her finger out her mouth and looked at me.

'Hello Sombre, whats wrong?' Her hand stroked my neck in circular motion.

I thought back to her that I was in pain and wanted to chew the toy. And once more she responded.

'Aww, bless I never thought of that. Steak won't be on the menu after all.' She got to her feet and using her thumb as a book mark led into the kitchen, exchanging her thumb for a sock.

'Here you go.' She reached into a box and threw down a soft stick. 'It will even help keep your teeth clean, hope you like Instant Oats since you can't have steak for a while.' She went back outside, I followed close behind with my new treat, taking up a patch of grass next to her soft seat in the sun.

We sat in the sun for the best part of the day, and only when Kira had shut her book and sighed did I look up at her with anxious eyes.

'Don't look so scared,' She smiled down at me. 'I won't hurt you. I just finished the latest book, now I have to wait ages till the next one.' She sighed again then lifting her bean bag and taking her book, she went back indoors. At first I went to follow, but the tree in the back corner had caught my interest as a strange scent fumed off it. I edged over to it, head low and eyes looking up. I sniffed its bright green leaves, they tickled my nose with their soft yet hard texture, the smell tantalising my senses. I put it in my mouth, and chewed on its branch, quickly letting go and shaking my head in distaste, ergh! It was horrible, it had a sickly sweet sticky taste that lingered, I attempted to rub my face in the grass but the stitched wounds threatened to open when I put slight force against my head.

I wanted this taste gone, I ran in circles, barking and yapping in unhappy protest. What was that horrible tree doing in such a nice place. Hearing my barking Kira rushed out, first shock had consumed her face, then she stood at the door laughing at me, not knowing what was wrong with me.

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