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When I awoke I found myself still curled up in Nell's arms. Her gentle breathing told me that she had fell asleep, her hand was resting on my back and the once lit room was now dark, I got up and walked out onto the landing, the other rooms had been hidden behind well shut doors. I went down the stairs, the light that entered the window of the door was dull, it was almost day time. The birds sang outside and as I walked into the living room and looked outside, I saw children walking with their parents holding plastic boxes and bags, some giggled playfully and others complained sleepily at their stern faced parents. I put my front paws up on the low windowsill, and watched as the people walked about. It wasn't long before Nell had come down, she rustled about in the kitchen. Turning on the kettle and weighing out porridge into a pan, I joined her in the kitchen and watched as she moved about her daily routine. She stopped and stroked me, then stirred the contents in the pan before putting it in the fridge and taking her tea to the living room, she sipped it, blowing cool air onto it as she stared sleepy-eyed into nothingness. I pawed her, her gaze coming back to the house.

'Just a minute Tank.' She told me. As though she knew I was hinting for food. She sipped down the last of her tea, headed back to the kitchen and pulled the pan out the fridge. She poured some porridge into a bowl for herself then some more into another bowl for me. I lapped it up, enjoying the cool texture. I was happy that I had been given a meal for two days in a row. It was rare.

'Right off to get ready for work.' Nell told herself, then darted up the stairs.

I walked to the back door, I needed to go out. I yipped slightly but Nell never came, I sniffed at the floor, I walked back and forth a few times whining distressed as I tried not to pee on the floor. Nell had come down fully changed and looking top notch, she opened the door and I managed to get to the end of the paving slab before peeing. After catching some fresh air I rushed back inside and looked at Nell, she was in a gray and white uniform, her hair had been tied back into a bun, and she was putting on a pair of low heeled shoes. I went to her and sniffed her. 'I have work today Tank. You look after Will, God knows he needs it.' She rubbed my head before pressing her lips to me and leaving the house briefly.

I didn't know what she meant when she spoke to me, but I ran to the windowsill and watched as she opened the car door and started up the engine. The car reversed out and took Nell away. I was left waiting for William to appear when the postman came. He pushed through the envelopes and left, at first I watched with interest as the letters fell through the small hole in the door, then I went to investigate. I sniffed at the parchments, then decided to try eat one. The first one made in interesting noise as I tore it open, the scratchy sound amused me, and I shredded the paper into tiny pieces, part of me wandered why the rabbit never made the same sound as I ripped it open. I was still lying at the door ripping into my third letter when William came down the stairs in his boxers and a pair of big fluffy slippers that looked like feet. I ran over to him, jumped up at his unbalanced figure and caused him to stagger back.

'No, down Tank.' William said putting my paws on the floor. 'No jumping up,' William looked at the mess of letters. 'And no eating letters, unless they're bills.' He said trying to disguise a smile as he went to pick up the pieces. I followed delighted to be in his company once more. 'Look at that!' He pointed at the letters and I lowered my head. 'Bad Tank. No.' He tapped my nose lightly before cleaning up the mess. I followed him with less enthusiasm after that. But he seemed to be back to his old self after a few minutes. And I took the opportunity to attack his newly formed feet. I pounced at the slippers and wrapped my paws around his leg pulling at the bulk of fluff.

'Tank!' William pulled his foot still in the slipper, and I pulled back like it was a rag toy. Eventually I had William dragged across the floor laughing as he tugged his foot in the slipper and I continued to chew it. He shook his foot playfully and faked a growl as Tom had once done. I wagged my tail, and growled back playfully. Then William finally gave in pulling his feet out of the slippers and leaving them at my mercy. I tore into them shaking them like I had the rabbit, and pulling their stuffing out.

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