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When I entered the house in Tom's arms the strong smell of dog lingered in the air, the walls unlike my other owners had ripped wallpaper hanging from them, the floor had no carpets and instead had cold black flooring, Tom took me to the kitchen and pointed out the window at two large dogs that looked similar to my mother.

'See those guys, You best become one of them or you're going to die.' He put his face to mine and I licked his nose playfully, still not sure what he was saying, but agreeing none the less. He took me to the living area where a torn up old sofa gave off a damp smell, and as mall television with poor signal sat a few feet beyond it. He put me on the floor and went and opened another door in the room, it was a small room and bursting out of it was a puppy. She was really pretty,we dogs can't see in much colour and what colours we do see are dull,apparently we see limited colour compared to you humans, but I could see that she was tan from tip to toe. She raced over to me and greeted me into our new home with love and joy tangled with excitement.

'Hello! I'm Bonny' she told me. 'Who are you? Can we be playmates? This is our new home!'

All her excitement had caught up to her and she began running in circles,chasing her tail. Why did she do that? I mused. After her brief excitement Tom smiled picked us both up and took us to the sofa, at first what I thought he was going to do was sit and comfort us and hold us close to him as I have always longed for. But instead he held our scruffs and put us on our hind legs and began pushing us into each other, like we were two magnets that weren't sticking. Both me and Bonny were confused, we allowed him to do it, unsure what he was doing. But as time wore on and both me and Bonny got a bit older he kept trying it. We never got to see each other much, we were kept in different rooms of the home, and visited by Tom a couple of times a day to be fed and watered and let out. It was when we were let out that we saw each other, not overly caring of each others company and maintaining small telepathic conversation only because it seemed right.

'We are fighters.' Bonny said one day.

'What do you mean?' I asked her as I pawed her playfully.

'We aren't destined to be friends, we are supposed to rip each other apart for their love.'

'But we haven't fought yet.' I pointed out.

'Time will come.'

Tom had been watching us by the door and whistled us into the house. We knew the routine now, he calls us in clashes us together a few times and puts us back in our rooms. This time was only different in the sense that for some reason when he did this the first time, Bonny snapped at me, her upper lips pulled back into a snarl and she snapped at my face angrily. I was shocked at first but as soon as she did it Tom released us and petted her in praise. Then did it again,this time her snap was more intent, like she wanted to do it for approval. I was so shocked at her actions I couldn't look at her,after praising her again Tom tried something new. He pushed me down and shoved Bonny on top of me to which she responded by biting my face.

'Good Bonny, good girl.' Tom fussed Bonny and petted her so much it was the first time she wagged her tail in what seemed like a very long time.

Realisingwhat needed to be done in order to gain approval I quickly learned todefend myself, when we were forced into each other we aggressivelybit at each other and both of us were praised highly, with treats andtime with Tom in the living area.

As time went by me and Bonny couldn't be together at all, we began fighting for the love of Tom and his sweet appraising voice. We wanted nothing more than to make our master happy, and to do that we had to fight for him. Tom began spending more and more time with me than Bonny, I thought about how lonely she must feel and how selfish I was to have his attention almost all the time. One day I saw Bonny in the yard on her usual out time. Tom came in and petted me he said to me.

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