Chapter 1: Sherlock.

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Not to be rude, but I would guess that with your simple, human brain you did not understand how many possible ways I could have gotten from that roof and lived. My mind flashed with multiple combinations of ways; I'm sure John would have been proud. After I witnessed Moriarty commit suicide, I quickly flicked through my contacts, knowing that John would be on his way. I tapped one of the contacts labeled under the W's.

"Yeah?" a tired voice picked up and grumbled into the phone.

"Sam. Good to hear from you. You and Dean are in London right now, correct? Looking for a ghost thing like usual?" I hated casual small talk. I extremely hated it now, considering my life was depending on it.

"Yeah, we're in London! And we had to leave my baby in the states!" Dean's voice rang out in the background.

"By baby, he means the Impala," Sam explained with a slight laugh. "Where do you need us? Suspicious murder?"

"Not this time," I exhaled sharply and took in my surroundings once more, making sure John had not shown up yet. "I need you to go to 221B Baker Street and find a burly man. He's probably with an older woman named-"

"Is the woman hot?" Dean's laugh echoed through the phone as he earned a glare from his brother that even I could sense.

"No," I said quickly before continuing, "Then look for the office of DI Lestrade. Sam should be able to find him quickly. And then return to St. Bart's Hospital to find John Watson. There should be another man in the building behind him. Find all three men associated with the woman, Lestrade, and John and take them out. Any way you can. Call when you are finished."

"Woah woah woah," Sam sighs. "Fine, anything for you Holmes. Ready, Dean?"

Dean claps his hands together and exclaims through the phone, "Let's raise some hell in England!" The call ends.

I nod and check for any sign of John. The Winchesters need to make quick work if this is going to work correctly. I begin to pace back and forth as I flip through my contacts once again. This time, I tap on one labeled under the D's. The phone rings four times before someone picks up.

"Hello? Who is this?" a cheery voice chirps through the line.

"Sherlock," I answer. I'm quite famous through time and space, may I add. "Doctor. Nice to talk again. I have a favor to ask of you."

The Doctor calls a name and a female voice talks inaudibly in the background. "Okay, good. I'm ready. What do you need, Sherlock?"

"Can you fly your blue box next to St. Bart's Hospital in London anytime soon?" I ask hopefully.

"Absoutely. How quickly? Or should you just text Clara's phone when you're ready?" The Doctor answers and I hear rummaging around followed by the clanging of metal objects.

"Send me the number. I'll text her," I answer simply before adding a quick thank-you and hanging up. I still was not good at asking for and accepting help, but I was learning.

Time to wait for the show.


Author's Note: herro everyone! thanks so so much for taking time to read the first chapter of RFNM. i hope it satisfied you superwholockers. feel free to comment below any mistakes you found in this chapter and i'll be quick to fix them! ciao!


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