Chapter 3: John.

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"Goodbye, John," Sherlock's deep voice rumbled through the phone as he hung up. Those two words hung in the air as I watched Sherlock tap a last text message. I let my arm hang loosely to my side, ready for a text to come from Sherlock. When my phone didn't notify me of a new text, I got worried. Sherlock threw his phone down and stepped closer to the ledge.

Not now. Not like this. What reason had he to die? I don't believe that "fake genius" crap. I know it's all a show, and Sherlock is quite a performer. My Sherlock. The man that drove me crazy but also saved me so many times. It wasn't going to end like this.

Or was it?

I watched as Sherlock's arms rose from his body and settled stretched out, shoulder level. Then he jumped. "Sherlock!" my desperate cry escaped from my throat as I attempted to run forward. But I couldn't. My legs were stuck to the ground as I watched my flatmate tumble closer and closer to the concrete.

I couldn't believe my eyes as a flying box spun beneath him and Sherlock fell into the already open doors. The flying box then swiftly turned upright, closed its doors, and glided down safely onto the ground below it.

"What the bloody hell?" I exhaled as my legs gave out beneath me and my knees came in to rough contact with the concrete. The force that drove me down also brought my head with it, as I crumbled face-first to the floor. My vision blurred and quickly darkened as I heard distant calls that sounded a bit like my name.


"John. John, wake up," I heard Sherlock's voice plead in my ear. I lifted my head and willed my eyes to open as bright lights filled my vision and I took in my surroundings. There was a large console in the middle of a circular room. Grinding sounds filled the air. Two strangers were standing behind Sherlock: a tall man wearing a bowtie and a younger girl with a light blue dress and light brown hair that flowed softly around her shoulders. Both had soft, calm expressions upon their faces, as if being in this giant mechanical room was normal for them.

"Hammy, you feeling okay?" Sherlock asked as I blushed at the use of the nickname Sherlock usually only used in private. It was in reference to my middle name, Hamish. 

I laughed it off as a blush rose to my cheeks. "Yes, I'm fine," I said before sitting up fully. A cup of water found its way into my hand and I drank generously.

"I'm the Doctor, by the way," the tall man with the bowtie said with a slight wave of his hand.

"And I'm Clara!" the younger woman stated with a proud nod of her head.

"Nice to meet you, Doctor. Clara. Where am I?" I asked with a quick laugh as I sipped my water again.

The Doctor gestured around the room with a sweep of his hand. "This is the T.A.R.D.I.S. T-A-R-D-I-S," the Doctor spelled out. "Stands for time and relative dimension in space. She can take you anywhere in time and space."

I nodded slowly, my eyes wide, as Sherlock stifled a laugh. A light knock was heard on the time machine's door as another new face stepped in. "Hello," the tall man with long brown hair smiled.

"Sam! Good to see you again," the Doctor walked towards the tall man and shook hands as he greeted him.

Sherlock ran a hand through his hair. "You two know each other?"

Sam grinned as he walked to hug Clara, "Demon turned out to be an alien. Long story." The Doctor laughed at the seemingly old memory. 

Sam then made his way and introduced himself to me as Sam Winchester. I nodded and smiled as he shook my hand firmly before making his way to the middle console. "Dean's not back yet from his first job. I finished off John's by myself," Sam nodded to me and Sherlock.

"Thank you for that," Sherlock smiled weakly, as if he was pained to say such simple words. "I'm sure Dean is fine. He's a strong, capable man."

A twinge of jealousy flecked through my nerves, but I soon calmed it down as I took a final sip of my water and set the empty cup down. "Better?" Sherlock asked.

"Better," I answered.


Author's Note: i hope everyone enjoyed john's view of things. "flying box" was seriously fun to write. and it's interesting to switch between an american's mind and a brit's mind. notice "apartment" and "flatmate" in these past chapters. pretty neat, huh? anyways, comment any grammatical / spelling errors i made to help me enhance your reading experience. get ready for chapter 4! ciao!


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