Chapter 1

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Song: Turn Around by Conor Maynard featuring Ne-Yo

Finishing the drawing of the 'Flow Demon', I jumped down from the high tree branch and reached to my side thigh and pulled out a blade and strike down onto the head of the demon and heard it's cry and shrivelled into small flames that blazed into the air and disappeared.

I exhaled a breathe that I was holding and returned the blade into the holding and watch the light disappear from the blade I designed. Looking at the time, I realized the head leader would be a little mad for me being late, but she loves me in a family loving way. I was one of her best when it came to protecting those around us, the people who stayed in the boarder, unlike me, I g beyond. 

"Ro, you're late, we just got new recruits of people," Lindsay speaks, standing up straight from the table that showed a map of our town. 

"Not my fault I got caught up in a study moment, finally found that demon I've been meaning to examine," I reply, standing at the opposite end of the table. 

"I can tell, go clean up before the recruits come in." 

I head to my bedroom and drop my black jacket off and my belt that held my weapons I carried. From blades that were strong like diamond, yet silver was used to craft them, to the small pocket knifes that helped me in numerous situations. My main weapon was my staff that looked like a normal belt to hold your pants up, but when I took it off, it converted into a wipe that could slice a head off a demon, and the third was into a staff that would split into two staffs. One of a kind that could not be destroyed. 

Walking down the stairs, Church, the cat that's been alive for god know years, jumped onto me and sat all pretty. He was an ass to everyone, including me, but that's his personality that kept me alive. 

I looked over the banister and saw the new people, standing in groups of no more then four, chatting about stuff.

"Listen up newbies, I'm Lindsay Do, your head master basically, I run this institute and you will follow my words, dare to disrespect me, you shall see the consequences," Lindsay commanded. I was sitting on the bottom steps with my arms resting on my knees, watching her give a speech. 

"This is stupid," I heard someone mumble under their breathes, Lindsay didn't hear it, but I did. I had heightened hearing compared to everyone else, and I was fast at attacking. Standing up and walking over to the person who mumbled, I wrestled him into a unmovable position that made him cry out.

"Care to say that again?" I tested him, which made him shake his head and release him, causing him to take deep breathes and get his breathing back to normal.

"If you want to live, don't say anything cocky," and with that I left to my study room, which was a mixture of things. The library, laboratory, training and sleeping, no one was allowed in here, it was my own place that calmed me from stress.

Church meowed and jumped down onto the table that held my current work. I was currently trying to build a signal that showed when demons were close by creating a chemical mixture. Adding a drop of surfer to the other solution, I watched the colour change from a black soul, to a clear, pure white colour. 

Grabbing a jar that held a demon, that was the last one on the shelf, I went to the training ground and watched the ruby gem stone glow bright, which signified that it's working. I grinned and started to walk backwards to see if it would die down, which it was. 

Now that I was happy with the results, I walked back and released the demon and killed it instantly before it could poses someone and go on a rampage. 

Satisfied with today, I locked the room and headed downstairs to see Lindsay giving them a tour of the place and explaining how some can live here, but most people choose not to, they want to go home safe and alive to their loved one, as for me, I had no one.

Both my parents died, mom died while giving birth to me and dad, well, he wanted to see mom, he left a child behind with no family member to care for the baby. Someone found me abandoned and took me to the orphanage and I've lived there since I was eight, and was taken here to become a solider under Lindsay's wing. 

"Care to show them their weapons?" Lindsay asked me, making me snap out of the dreadful memory. I nodded and lead the group to the East wing that contained the training ground. 

"This is the training ground, or dojo, or practice arena, or whatever you want to call it," I pointed out, everyones face held shock and excitement. 

The ground was all a deep brown wood, covering the floors and walls. A mat played in the centre of this all with some dummies to the side and to the right of it held wooden staffs for practice, along with every type of blades and knives hand crafted.

I ushered them towards the knives and opened the draw and the light shined out brightly, making me pause and look at them.

"Welcome to my specialty, this is where you will practice to grow strong and learn on the way," I said, looking at them through the shelves of knives.

"Well? Come choose a weapon that calls for you," I said, and stepped beside the hidden unit and watch line of people try and get a spot to grab their weapons. 

After everyone chose, which was roughly fifth-teen people, I stood in front of them and started a small talk on rules with the East wing.

"These are not for playing with, it is for protecting the people in this town. If something happens to the blade, don't be afraid to ask me, this is my specialty, Clear?" I paced back and forth and got a lot of replies of 'yes'. 

I left them be and started to clean the dirty weapons that held black blood, most likely from demon killing, when some girl came up to me.

"I thought I would introduce myself, I'm Grace Rose," the girl said, sticking her hand out.

I cleaned my hand and shook her hand and welcomed her to the institute, and placed all the clean weapons on the shelves and closed it up, and headed to my bedroom to sleep since I worked the late shift and slept in a deep slumber.  

Author's Note: HEYO! I just want to say thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy this book. To pronounce Ro it's like saying 'Row' like row row your boat. This book will contain swears like I said, so please read at risk and enjoy this. :)

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