Chapter 14

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Song: elevator music by Blues Brothers (or also known as Girl from Ipanema by unknown Muzak Band)

Sitting on the curb in the dark with a lamppost shining it's weak light on me, I was fiddling with my fingers as I waited for my 'father'. It's been a week since I received that letter and telling me to meet him here in one week, and it's been a whole week. The debate back in my room with Joel laying on my bed, as I paced across the carpet floor, to go and see him, or not to see him, flashed back into my mind. 

"I wasn't expecting you to show up," a silky voice rose up, making me glance up and see the man from the footage stand in front of me. 

I remained silence as I stood up, tucking my hands into my jacket and hiding half my face in the neck of the jacket. 

"I bet you have many questions," he said, trying to encourage me to talk.

"Of course I do! No family members for eighteen years, being abused for all my life, and suddenly my "dead" father is alive," I expressed, feeling rage bubble up to the surface.

He sighed out a depressed noise and mumbled, "eighteen years."

"Walk with me and I'll explain."

My legs moved on it's own as I joined his side and we walked the quite street.

"Let me start from the beginning," he spoke, his voice sounding like a causal business man.

"Yes it's true I killed myself, but there's a reason. When my parents found out they were going to have a grandchild, they were excited. We are demons, you and I, so when you were born and found out that you had no trade mark of any demon in you. I was frustrated and hurt myself to escape reality and go to the land of hell and proclaim my throne," he stated, turning into a bar that held warmth. 

Walking to the stool, he got a beer and I got water.

"Anyways," he continued, "ten years after leaving the mundane world, I returned to Switzerland to look for you and see you grown up, but when I went to the hospital and find out they sent you somewhere, I set out a mission to find you again."

I just stared at the water on the outside of my cup, cling itself onto my hands. 

"So, I have demon blood in me?" I questioned, and getting the answer "yes."

"Tell me about yourself Robyn. What have I missed?" 

I cringed at that question, by his reaction, he just looked at me and laughed.

"You're just like your mother. She wouldn't tell me about herself until a year later. You even look like her," he said in amazement, reaching out to touch my hair, making me stiffen and pull back slowly.

"What was she like?" I asked, trying to get off the subject about me.

"I will tell you, after you tell me about yourself. You are dancing with a demon."

Leaning my elbow onto the counter, I started to tell about myself, slowly.

"Got sent to London and lived in a Catholic orphanage, the headmaster made me bloody on the floor every month. Got taken in by Lindsay Do when I was eight, trained, lived, slept, ate at the institute, found out she was a rouge, she was killed for her action, and now I run the place."

He smirked at me and placed his hand on my shoulder, "you're just like me." 

"I'm nothing like you," I said disgusted.

He took his hand off my shoulder, "I know you're mad, it's natural, but I would like to make it up to you."

"You did say you are a demon, I don't make deals with the devil," I replied.

"You are clever. I should've said this sooner, but my name is Rob-" I cut him off and told him his full name, which he was shocked about.

"I went looking," I explained briefly. 

Looking down at the time, I noticed it was past midnight.

"I have to go," I said, finishing the inch of water left in the glass, making Robert stand up too and pay for his drink.

"Allow me to guide you home," he offered.

"It's fine, I have some guests over that I need to talk with," I partly told the truth. 

"Allow me to," he said a second time, a little frustrated. 

I shook my head and went out the bar and walked in the direction to the hill side. 

"You can't escape a demon," a voice lingered, behind me, making me whip around a see Robert.

"I couldn't tell the first time," I remarked, earning a smirk.

We walked in silence back to my home, just the relaxing river floating down to the ocean, the occasional cars traveling by and the gentle wind blowing the grass around us. We got to the entrance and I walked in, about to close the door, when a hand pushed against my force and sliding me backwards.

"Now Robyn, it's rude to not show your father your work and home," he smiled, closing the door behind him.

"You are not my father," I snapped.

Robert remained silent and just smiled, I felt the presence of people behind me, making me turn around to see if it was who I think it was, and guess who was right? 

"Will? Is that the only Will I see?" Robert spoke out, looking at Will, who stared back, both men walking forward and man hugging each other, and Joel walk up beside me.

"You look like you had a good night," he teased, which I was not in the mood for, making me stomp on his foot and holding my anger in. Joel whimpered at the pain, leaning on to me in support.

"Why?" He whispered.

I remained silent and watch a friend gathering happen between Robert, Will and Able. I pity my said father. He's no man to me, and shouldn't be around with anyone. He may be a demon, and telling the truth, but I can't trust him, not until he's proven himself innocent. 

I saw Robert pull away and explain to us he had to leave, he had business to deal with, and with that he disappeared into thin air, leaving a slight smoke behind. I got questioned by Will on what we talked about, which I explained, and felt exhausted after my night out. 

Laying awake in the dark and staring out the window and seeing the moon shimmer into my room, the cats all laying on the window seat, casting their shadows on the floor, and my body surrounded by numerous pillows. 

"Ro?" I heard my name get called, making me stay as I am and not turn around. I hummed in answer, before my bed dipped down.

"You okay?" Joel asked, making me curl into a ball and remain silent. 

"I'll take that as a no then. Look, it's okay to be mad at your father, but he did explain himself, give him some kind of appreciation."

I rolled onto my back and looked into his bright eyes, "first off, he's not my father," I declared, pointing a finger into the air, "second, why should I?"

"Just give it time," he said. 

Looking at the ceiling, I felt the bed shift and Joel's appearance come into view, and something soft on my lips, making me realize he's kissing me.

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