Chatper 5

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Song: Pillars by Foreign Fields

A few weeks have passed since the meeting with the wolves. Still awkward in my mind how they want to be allies with hunters. Just because we both hunt down demons, doesn't mean we should work together due to history events. Some years ago, the hunters would kill the wolves, and the wolves killed the hunters, and so the government got fed up with the action and decided to create a border line where the town's people were forbidden to enter the land and wolves couldn't enter either, except they do because they blend into society. If they were caught by any government soldiers, you can face charges, most of the time, death. That even goes towards us hunters too. Anyone. 

I was currently walking around town, buying some things for blade making, some recruits were out too, which I'm glad for them, but at the same time, I could care else.

"Well, well, well. If it ain't the female name boy," I heard someone call out, making me turn around to see a group of boys that I used to see at the orphanage school. 

"I see you still don't have a job," I retaliate back.

"What did you say?" The leader of the gang, Fred, said, charging at me, but not realizing my talent. 

I knocked him out cold and his gang decided to take me on too. Huge mistake. You guys are just wasting my time I thought.

Standing in the middle of the street with knocked out people around me. The citizens just continued to walk like nothing happened, except for someone standing on the broken side walk.

"What did they ever do to you?" Joel questioned, walking up towards me.

"Bullies from the orphanage," I breathed out and looking up slightly at him. The height difference wasn't significant, he was maybe four inches taller.

"They still bully you?" 

"No, but today they just decided to since they remember me, but not for long," I answered, crouching down to the knocked out bodies and pulling out a vial and eye dropper from my jacket and dropping a green soltution on their foreheads and leaving them.

"Memory eraser. I'm making them forget me and this fight so they don't continue hurting themselves," I explained, standing back up and walking away from the scene. 

"Uhh, okay, anyways, I came into town for your assistant under my dad's request. He spotted something and we don't know what it is," Joel story told me. 

I nodded and stopped in my track and crossed my arms over my chest and telling him to continue.

"He thinks you might know what it is since you're a researcher apparently and a hunter," his voice sounding deep and American.

I looked at my watch and saw how it was still the morning. Debating in my head to go, I finally chose to walk the opposite way of where I was originally going, making Joel jog up to me and ask where we were going.

"Check out your situation," I told him and began our journey to the forest. 

"I'm glad you're here, please sit," Alpha Will offered, which I obeyed.

He passed a file to me, which I took and opened it up to photos of the demon who looked like an octopus basically.

"Shape Demon, they take form of humans and they want to take their lives, the only way for it to happen is if they kill you, that explains why one of your men has sadly died, which I am sorry about," I said, closing the file and pulling out my journal to figure out what I need to find this thing.

"What you got diary boy?" Reed grunted, making me look up and stare dead straight into his cold, emotionless brown eyes, which is odd since his eyes are normally alive and swirling with colour.

"Why do you need to know?" I questioned him, before being slammed up against the wall and a hand on my neck, stopping the flow of air entering my lungs and my journal out of my hand. 

"Reed, let him go," Joel shouted, which Reed just smirked and I noticed something off about him. Reed's neck had black veins, meaning it was the shape demon.

I started to run out of oxygen, so I acted fast and grabbed my small kinjo knife and stab him in the neck, making the demon scream and fling me across the room and colliding with glass. Coughing out in lack of air, I got onto my knees and elbows and looked up to see the demon lashing out at the transformed wolves, I slowly stood up and grabbed my staff and split it into two.

Running to the group, I took first attack and stabbed the demon in the mouth, making it cry out in pain and a wolf jumping into picture and biting it's head off and flames erupting from the dead corpse. 

Reconnecting the staffs, I turned it into my belt and looked back to see humans.

"You okay?" Joel asked, making me nod and pull out a shard form my shoulder blade and shattering it on the floor.

I walked over to my journal on the floor and put it in my jacket, with many holes that have been re-stitched, I felt drowsy. 

"What's your full name? I know it's not Ro, so don't lie," Alpha Will spoke.

"Robyn Moore," I answered before coughing out blood onto the concrete floor and falling to my knees, and my arm being pulled up.

My vision started to get blurry and my hearing getting blocked out, but I heard people call my name numerous times.  

My body got lifted up off the cold ground and I was being carried off some where. I was hoping a hole, because I know for sure that Reed would like that from me, and so would I. Huh, I guess we actually had one thing in mind for once, and probably the last. 

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