Chapter 9

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Song: Linus and Lucy by Vince Guaraldi Trio 

Watching the papers flutter around in my frustration made me more frustrated. I don't know what was happening with my body. Whenever I feel moody or not relaxed, I would be in a crappy mood, but when Joel walked by, my body relaxed and felt safe. Why is this happening?!

Smashing an empty mug, I heard my bedroom door fly open and someone gasp. I fell onto my knees and held my hands in my head and stared at the broken glass around my body. 

"Ro. Stop. What is wrong with you? You don't do these things, the last time this happened was five years ago," Lindsay said, rubbing my back in a comforting manner.

"What's happening to me?" I questioned her, even though she doesn't have a clue.

"You have to tell me in order for me to help," she said.

I took my shaking hands away from my head and tried to settle them in my lap, taking deep breathes to calm my uneven oxygen flow, I finally had the energy to tell her.

"Whenever I'm around Joel my body is different," I explained. Turning my head to her, she smirked and started to giggle.

"Ro," she started, "that's called a crush, you have feelings for him, romantically."

"Why's that?"

"Well, what do you like about him?"

I looked back down at the glass and started to play with it, when I shouldn't. 

"I don't know, he's. Attractive? Is that the right word?" I questioned myself, feeling my finger get pricked by the glass and seeing the blood run onto the small shard. 

"Well there's your answer. Now you know," she whispered, standing up and leaving me to clean this mess.

Walking into the cafe and grabbing a coffee, I sat at a table and pulled out my journal to document the Stem Demon. Only appears in a lake and drowns you. Pesky things I tell you. 

Hearing the jingle of the bell, I ignored the presence of someone sitting in front of me, before the journal was snatched off the table and into the hands of a very annoying "human being".

"You should make me one," the cocky voice called out.

"You should leave," I replied, looking at my fountain pen, silver swirls swirling lively.

"Now, now future brother-in-law, there's no need to be harsh at dear old me," he said, with a hint of smirking in his voice and snaking me pen out of my hand.

I looked up to stare into coffee eyes that remained calm. I know he had some kind of deal or important chit-chat that was wasting my time.

"I have work to do, hand it over," I gestured, standing up and sticking my hand out.

He made a hiss sound, "why would I? When I can join the excitement train."

He stood up too and stood beside me and started to walk out the door, with me being forced to trail behind him. 

As we stepped outside, we heard citizens scream in danger, causing me to pull out my blade and look at the nest of Flax demons, trying to attack the people. I heard a sigh beside me and my journal handed back to me. 

"Don't. You know they can't see you," I said, looking at Reed, causing his eyes to go back to normal. 

Handing him my blade and getting my staff out, I stabbed the first one and heard it cry out in pain as it went up in blazes. Getting their attentions, they all screamed and started to come after us. There were only ten of them.

Swinging the staff around my body and stabbing each demon that came towards me, Reed wasn't a bad fighter, crap, but good. Wiping the black blood of my hand, I looked at Reed to him fine, except for the small scratch on his back, causing him to crash to the ground and curse.

"Ro, help!"

I hummed and slowly walked over and crouched down, "why should I? What do I get out of this?"

He groaned and cursed at me for being cocky and sighed out, "you are perfect for our family, you're just like me, cocky bastard. I won't bother you. Is that a good enough deal?"

I smiled and pulled out a vial and a needle and filled it with a black liquid and jabbed it into his leg, making him yell out at me, and his breathing coming down to normal. He sighed out and laughed at the situation, I stood up and offered a hand, which he took, and lifted him onto his feet.

"I hate you," he mumbled, thinking I wouldn't pick up on it.

I laughed and replied, "I hate you too."

We continued to walk down the street, before my body got jolted forward and time slowing down. I couldn't think, everything was slow motion and my vision blurry. I looked up to see Reed with a concern face and running towards me, but he got darted too that caused him to fall heavy.

My body met the ground and the ground met my body. Pulling out my syringe dart and smashing it on the ground, my head started to swirl and my eyes wanting to close. A pair of boots came into view, causing me to look up to get a face, but it was too late. 

Crash. Shatter. Break. That's all I heard in the classroom. Writing the last note and walking out the room, my body got shoved onto the floor, making me whimper and look up at the bullies. They laughed and started to kick my already injured body, leaving me bloody and bruised. 

"Ro, what happened?" I heard Ms. Inn ask, walking over to my body laying in the broken glass hallway. She was the only one who treated me "right".

Opening my eyes, I was greeted with pitch black and my body tied up against a pipe. I heard a switch get turned on, but I wasn't greeted with lights, just midnight black. 

"Don't worry. You don't get to see anything, so I just permanently blinded you," a voice spoke out. It sounded familiar.

"You fuck!" A male voice rang out, causing the capture to cackle. 

I felt a knife against my neck making straighten up and look up at nothing. I felt a cut be made on my shoulder and the male voice, Reed, call out saying he was going to kill them.

"Why? The fun is just being," the corporate yelled out. 

Now I knew who it was. Lindsay Do. 

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