Chapter 15

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Song: Blooming Day by EXO-CBX

Intoxicating. Joel was just intoxicating, his lips were my drug. Soft, delicate, and knew what to do. I felt charmed, under a spell with his lips, body and personality.

I slightly kissed back , because I had no idea what to do. My body was frozen in place when he pulled away and looked into my soul. Amber eyes glowing slightly as he examined me, like I was his prey. 

"Now, tell me, what did you think?" He investigated me.

"Toxic," I managed to breathe out. 

He grinned and kissed me once more and pulled me into him as he lay beside me, enclosing me to his body heat. I remained awake as Joel slept peacefully, making me stare at the cats who rested peacefully.

"Ro, I know you're not asleep, go to sleep," Joel mumbled against my back. 

Closing my eyes, I tried to calm my heart beat to fall asleep, but my body is against sleeping, so I remained in the same position, until Joel rolled over, leaving me alone and allowing me to slip out of bed and leave my room. 

The sun peaked out around the corner, the bright orange-purple ombre showing it's color. My body was exhausted from not sleeping and constantly moving around the institute, looking for journals and maps. I rested my head against the table as I groaned out loud. 

"You're like me, doesn't sleep," a deep voice rose up, making me stand up and throw a blade at the person, hitting them in the shoulder. Robert.

He just cackled a bit and pulled the blade out, painless and the wound healing up. 

"What kind of demon are you?" I asked.

Robert just tossed the blade up and around in the air, and not giving a crap about being hurt, or my question.

"Morning to you too, anyways, we are Pint demons, meaning we heal and are the strongest demons to known mankind," he said, placing the blade on the table and walking towards me.

"I'm no Pint demon, I don't heal," I corrected him, grabbing the butter knife and cutting my wrist lightly, to allow some kind of cut appear, and to my theory, it didn't heal.

Robert looked in astonishment, expecting his words to be true. He took my wrist into his hand and swiped his thumb against the cut, and to my surprise, the red liquid was gone and a white scar was replaced where the cut was originally.

"It's a perk of being the King," he taunted me, "and you can shape into one too, show me your inner demon."

I pull my wrist back and had to re-think what he said. 

"I don't have one?" I questioned, looking up at him, to see him squint.

"Of course you do, it's just," he paused and touched my heart, feeling a sharp cold running into my heart, making me collapse onto the floor and curl into a ball, my breathing was heavy and rigged. Robert looked shocked and quickly got down to my level. 

"Yours hasn't been "born" because I didn't raise you," he told me, pulling me up and setting me in a chair, my feet not touching the floor, my head on the table and my hands balled up, trying to fight the pain I just experienced.

"I don't want it to be "born,"" I whispered out, the pain slowly dying down.

"Hopefully it won't. With yours, it can only be risen when you have died. When your heart stops, your demon will come up to the surface and stay there until your body is healed up and alive. Basically the human you is in a coma as you heal, and your demon will be mobile."

Glancing up to my right and looking into the dark, lifeless eyes, I questioned, "die?"

He nodded and actually looked terrified, "your demon is more powerful then mine."

Cringing at that, I felt like crying. I'm immortal then. I can't die.

"So I'm immortal and I can't die?" Millions of questions flying into my head.

"If your demon is killed," he said. "I will leave you be, I will see you soon my boy." With that, he was gone, leaving me dead tired.

Crossing my legs and arms, I rested my head on my arms and let my eyes close itself and drift my mind into a slumber of sleep.

Waking up, I felt weight on my body, making me slowly open my eyes and see what was on me. Chestnut and Thea were on my chest, curled up in a ball. Church was probably outside still. I slowly looked around to see that I was back in my room and my window was open, the gentle afternoon breeze was blowing in my room, the fresh scent of fall coming in. 

"Care to explain why you slept on a table?" Joel's voice came into picture. 

I hummed and closed my eyes again, before something soft was placed on my forehead. I slightly smiled and turned my head away, so I was facing my wall. 

"Can you answer my question?" 

I hummed out a 'no' and opened my eyes to see an annoyed face. I slightly smiled and answered his damn question.

"Couldn't sleep, so Robert stopped by and did some kind of voodoo, which made me tired and fall asleep," I said, stretching my arms, behind my head.

"Voodoo? He's not a witch. What does that mean?" 

"Apparently I have demon blood flowing through me and I have an inner demon, and in order for it to be born I have to die."

"Hold up, die?!" Joel exclaimed, paranoid feeling his body.

"Apparently, but he doesn't want to do that since I'm stronger then him and he's like 'let's not do it because I don't how to tame it' kinda thing," I calmed him, sounding like a teenage going on a rant.

"He better not," he mumbled, kissing my lips, I smiled into the kiss and felt Thea meow at me, making me break away and look down at Thea, who looked mad at Joel.

"You leaned on her, she's mad," I said, rubbing her head and earning a purr.

"Oh so you support the cat and not your boyfriend?" 

"I'm still single, I'm not with anyone," I corrected him, sliding the cat close to me and cuddling her, making Joel jealous. 

"Screw you."

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