Chapter 16

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Song: Alone by Nick Anthony featuring Jordan Andrew

Some weeks passed by and running the place is crazy. People have been running around, trying to get organized for the Council
member to arrive here. It was our annual check up to see our progress, and s a leader, you have to constantly check to see if everyone is doing their work, training to be strong, and so much more.

"Try to not stiffen your arm, it gives your opponent an advantage t break your arm," I instructed a trainer, Joseph, as he tried again, not stiffening his arm and soaring smoothly. He smiled and thanked me, ad continued to practice as I walked around the institute to see what else needed work on.

"Everyone," I announced in the tech room and conjoined training room "take a rest for tonight, tomorrow will be busy."

People put down their things and slumped in their chairs and sighed out.

"May I ask why we're being pushed?" Maddie, a medic girl, questioned.

I sighed out a breathe and answered, "the Council member, Amber Dane is stopping by for annual "check up", if you want to say, to see if you are all being trained as soldiers. If I'm not up to date, I could get removed from my position and no longer work as a member here."

They all looked at me like I was insane, but they all nodded at my word and left to rest. Puffing out a breathe, I walked to my office to finish the paper work I was sent by the Court King. Climbing up the stairs, exhausted, I opened the original hardwood door, with vintage designs engraved, and was greeted by lights on, when I had them off.

"Evening," a soothing voice echoed.

Turning around, I saw Joel behind me and hug me, "I haven't seen you in ages."

"That's because I've been busy, Council is coming tomorrow and everything for me is a disaster, and I forgot something didn't I?" I mumbled the last part, getting a nod.

I pull away and apologize frantically over and over again, until I get shut up.

"I know things aren't the best right now, but for tonight, just relax and unwind with me," he soothed me, making me nod at his word and sit at my desk, with him opposite to me and pull out food beside him and wine.

"I'm not going to drink tonight and get drunk tomorrow," I pointed out, getting a laugh out of him and pouring himself and me a drink of grape red wine.

I cringed at the smell and pushed it away and walk over to the counter behind me and grab a drink of grape juice, to mimic the wine. Joel laughed at my impression of 'wine' and just looked at me like I was crazy.

"To you," he said, raising his glass and clinking it to make a crisp sound, and taking a sip after that.

"What's happening over at home?" I questioned, trying to get a conversation going.

"Not much, mom wants you to come and visit, dad is dad, and Reed is getting married."

I chock on my food and look at him like he's fooling me.

"Please tell me that's a joke?" I pleaded, and getting a nope.

"I feel bad for them, having to live with him for the rest of their lives."

Joel laughed, and asked me about my dad.

"He visits here and there, not much, he truly does want to reconnect with me," I answered, playing with my food and making art. He nodded at my word and ate his dinner.

"I'm impressed with your work," Amber said, impression written all over her face.

I remained silent and nodded at every word she said. Walking around the place, an unexpected burst happened, making the crew bring out their blades and look at the sound, some ran in front of us for defense, and others got into attack position. In walked wolves and witches, out of energy and babbling some nonsense.

I raised my hand to make them lower their guards, which they obeyed and I walked forward and ask Alpha Will.

I bow in respect, "Alpha, what is the problem?"

"Somethings wrong in the North district, a war is said to break out," he told me, making me scowl and look at Amber to see if she had anything to say. Nothing, just shock.

"Who?" I questioned, interested in the problem.

"The Royals, no the court, but the Royals," another voice said. Robert. I had anger written on my face.

"How would you know?" I respected, holding in my anger.

"The government sent word out, that why, that's why I came here today," Amber answered, making me turn around, holding my hand behind my back and grasping my wrist and the feeling of numbness rising.

"Everyone remain here, I'll be back," I commanded, getting some responses telling me not to go.

"Robyn, you're basically asking for a death sentence," Robert told me.

"Someone has to negation the situation. Do you think they will listen to non-humans? They defiantly won't listen to Amber because they don't respect our down-world," I replied.

"Then we will watch from above," Mal said, stepping forward, and everyone else doing so.

Everyone was hidden in the woods, the government standing a few feet away from me looking frustrated.

"Government," I said, holding my anger in and shaking his hand.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"I was given word that you were here and asking for something," I told him.

"Yes. Kill every supernatural, including your kind," he said, pulling out a knife and piercing the sharp blade through my heart, making me gasp out and stabbing him in the arm.

I heard some cry out a scream and everyone charged a the government, and the government telling his team to attack back. Time was in slow motion, people slaying everyone else, and my body falling backwards and hitting the ground.

"Robyn!" Joel's voice rippling in my mind and his face all blurry in front of me.

"Don't close your eyes."

I smiled and let the darkness consume me to be greeted in a new dimension.

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