Chapter 3

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Song: Up All Night by Tenzin featuring Ezra James (Tom Budin Remix)

I started to gain consciousness and my headed was wavy and in pain, groaning and trying to open my eyes, I squinted at a bright light that was natural light. I tried to move my arms, but it didn't work.

Moving my head to see the situation, my hands were tied up with rope that were cutting the circulation, as for my legs, they tied it where it was on my boots and not my leg, making this escape easy. 

Wiggling my feet out, I slid the small pocket knife out of the clip holder and held it between my socked toes, and somersaulted backwards. I was now sitting cross legged and the ropes got tighter making me groan in pain. Taking the pocket knife into my hand, I started to cut the beige rope on my hands and freed my hands.

Rubbing my sore wrists, I wasted no time and slipped on my boots and I noticed my belt and jacket hanging on a rack and grabbed them as quickly as possible. 

Opening the window, I stuck my head out and saw no one outside, slipping my body through, I rock climb down until I was about six feet off the ground and jumped onto the midday London grass hill, and started to run South. 

I heard a noise echo through the ten minute run into the forest, probably finding me missing already. Taking that as my cue to book it, I knew which part of the forest I was in and had another ten minutes to reach the town, and another five to get home. 

I finally saw the town border and ran as fast as I could to the 'safe' land and crossed the line, before stopping to take a breathe, but it wasn't a fast enough break before I heard the bushes rattle and wasted no time running to the institute. 

I bursted through the doors and ran to my study room, before someone grabbed my arm, making me stop in my spot. I was breathing heavy and I looked at who it was that stopped me. Lindsay.

"Where have you been?" She questioned me, taking a look at my scratched up cheek.

"I was kidnapped by wolves," I spoke in between breathes.

We heard someone knocking at the door and I probably knew who it was, and so did Lindsay. She ushered me towards the stairs, which I obeyed and ran to my study room, where no one was allowed in, which is an advantage.

Barraging into my room, I quickly shut the doors and locked it as usual, and slid down the door to rest. Closing my eyes slowly, I curled up into a ball, resting my right side on the door, I was finally back to normal breathing and felt 'calm'. 

My body shook when I started to stand up, but managed through the pain, until my phone went off. Lindsay sent me a thing telling me to come downstairs and chat with some people who still want me. I needed to get out of this somehow, I sent her a thing that said I was going to shower quickly, which she allowed.

Walking down the narrow hallway, it felt like forever, which is weird. To speed things up, I jolted down the hall, light on my feet so they couldn't hear me, and grabbed my usual wear, black jeans that were loose like sweat pants and a black long sleeve shirt. Stepping into my bathroom, I took a shower and stood in there for ten minutes thinking of a plan.

My medium long sandy blond hair dangled wet in front of me, the slight natural highlight of brown was showing and my slim skinny body, yet a little built up, was covered in scars that were black and white, not your average scar colour. Punching the tile wall lightly, due to flashbacks, I stopped the water and dried my body off and changed into the fresh lavender clothes and took a look in the mirror to look decently presentable. 

Slipping on black running shoes and dropping my towel off and putting my belt on, leaving my weapons in my room, I headed down the dark banister wood to the main table, and their sat Lindsay, with the alpha probably, and three other wolves all in human form. 

Lindsay spotted me and ushered me to join them, which I scowled at and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a drink. Returning to the group with my drink, I sat beside Lindsay and looked at our company.

"There saying you trespassed onto their land, is that true?" Lindsay investigated me.

"No," I replied, basic and a waste of my time.

"The hell you did," the guy who knocked me out, raised his voice.

I sighed and sat up straight and looked him dead into the eyes, where he had a confused face. "I was at the pond, which is on our side of the 'crossing'" I finger quoted 'crossing' because it meant that the wolves had their land which is claimed as the border line by the government.

"Son he is right," the alpha said, and settled his son down, who was full of anger.

"What's with the eyes?" the boy beside 'the son' asked me with a snarky tone.

"Why are you here?" I snapped back, and stood up and left to the training ground for peace and quite.

"Ro, no training," Lindsay ordered, knowing my hide a way spot. This is what happens when you live here for ten years. Pausing in my tracks, I spun around and answer the jerks question. 

"Ever heard of Heterochromia?" I said, and just left it at that, and walked away, before being stopped again by Lindsay, telling me stay put.

"I have a job to do, not my fault there's new recruits here," I replied and strolled away.

Reaching the grounds I went over to the lab table and began to work on a blade that needed to be finished. Putting on my goggles and looking into the magnifying stand up glass, I started to engrave a design, a signature logo of ours, a rose. 

Finishing the design I stood up with the blade and walked over to the dummy and in one slash, off with it's head. Satisfied with the work, I opened up weapon shelves and settled it on the shelf. 

"Ro, he wants a dual," I heard Lindsay pipe up, with the boys behind her, and pointing to mister snarky attitude.

I glanced over to him with a unimpressed look that symbolized 'you are wasting my time'. Sighing in boredom, I walked over to the mat and we stood at opposite ends. He stood in an attack position, while I stood normal, like I'm having a chat.

He strikes first, but I avoided his punch and grabbed his forearm and lifted my right leg and connected my ankle to his throat and put all my weight and forced him face down while I stood up and dug my heel into a never on his back where he couldn't move his arms. 

He cursed in pain and tried to stand up, but failed really badly, I continued to do this before Lindsay walked over and ushered me to stand beside her as the last guy went to check up on him.

"Very impressive. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Alpha Will, these are my two sons, the one you just fought was Reed, and this is Joel, and the one helping is Brad," The alpha said.

"Ro," I replied and shook his hand he offered.

"How would you like to be one of my fighters?"

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