Rock The Rants(Cristiano Ronaldo)

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I hated him with a passion. Him and his stupid face. All surprised and what not. "Paige." He smirked. "It's about time your slow ass made it." I hated myself for agreeing to do this. "So, heard your apartment was a piece of shit, now you are forced to stay with me."

Fuck my life. I hated Cristiano ever since I met him in the 6th grade. He was always so damn cocky. Like he owned whatever he could get his hands on.

That included football. Or soccer..where I am from, football is soccer. I, myself, was quite a good soccer player. Actually, the best female soccer player at my school. Once Cris found out, he always tried to belittle me, always said things like, "Go paint your nails and make me a sand which, woman!".

That sexus little fuck! Oh I otta- "Are you dumb? Come in." He left the door open for me to come inside. Of course, since my run down piece of shit of an apartment is being demolished, and I live to far from home, my parents are making me stay with the devil himself, Cristiano Ronaldo.

As I walked in, I heard other voices. The further I walked, the louder they got. "So, uh, where do I sleep?" As I followed him into the living room,I saw 3 other faces staring at me. "Oh, hello." I greeted.

They were probably on his team, which, of course, I know nothing about. I play soccer, not so much watch it. Especially if it involves looking at Ronaldo's dumb face. One of them walked up to me and gave me a hug. "Hello, I am Pepe. That's Nani and Fernando."

He pointed to the other two on the sofa. "Nice to meet you, my name is Pai-" Cristiano circled me and blocked my vision from the boys. "Nobody cares." I gave him a death glare until I realized that he is the only hope I have left. "You ready boys?" The three of them nodded and rose from their seats, "Go where?" 

"Club!"Fernando piped up. "Hey, do you want to come?" Cristiano gave him a look and folded his arms. "Uh,nah, I am really tired actually. Thanks though. So where doI sleep?" He straightened up and gave me a look.

"I don't care. Pick a room." With that, they left the house. I was all alone. No Cristiano to irritate me. I walked up the giant staircase to the hallway of rooms that I could pick from. He did say he didn't care right?

I took the second biggest room in the hallway. I would take his room, but it already has his Ronaldo germs all over it, yuck. After setting up my computer and unpacked, I felt comfortable. So, what do you do when you're totally bored? Skyping?

Yes, Skype. Not even after 2 seconds of me getting online, I got a video call.  

Before I even saw a face, I heard a song by Wisin y Yandel play through my speakers.  

"Paige!" My best friends face became clear. The song played louder, this kid. "Hey you!" 

Marcelo looked around me, obviously unaware of my irritating new conditions. "Damn kid, I like your place." I smiled to myself.

I met Marcelo before he joined the Real Madrid team. We actually played together for a while. He taught me some new strategies and helped me become a stronger player. "So it's true huh, you're here in Madrid. Staying with number 7, huh?"

He bit his cheek trying not to laugh at my annoyed expression. "You really don't like the guy." 

"This is the last place I would rather be." My voice sounded blank and had monotone. "I can't wait to find a new place.Anyway, I thought you'd be out with the boys. Why are you staying home?" His eyes squinted like I asked a stupid question, "Naah. Not tonight at least. I had to make sure my best friend made it safely." 

His concern for me warmed my heart. I missed this fool like crazy. "Yeah and tomorrow I got to find a job. Ughh." He sat up in his bed with his brows raised in astonish. "Wow, Paige Lazaro has to find a job," He place his hands on his cheeks like the boy from the Home Alone movies, "Whatever will she do. Nooo". If he was here, I'd so hit him. "Hush yo' face! Anyway, it's getting late." 

He shrugged, "Okay fine. But tomorrow, after you go job hunting, lets hang out! I will pick you up at Ronaldo's place at 5? Sound good? Good. Byeee!" He ended the chat before I could even answer his question.

Oh well, I guess hanging out with him for a while should take my mind off of this nightmare I am in. 11:40, too early to go to sleep, way to late to actually function, at least or me. I was exhausted! 

After putting on some Pjs and sliding in my bed, I was fast asleep.

Ronaldos POV

"Soo, why couldn't she come along?" Pepe slapped my back hard before wrapping it around my shoulder. "She was cute." "Shes annoying." 

Fernando ran his hands through his blonde hair and walked in front of me, his face held a smirk. "She wouldn't have been to us." His smirk annoyed me, they all were annoying me. "Look, do you want to go to the club, or not?" 

"Testy testy." Nani through his hands up in defeat. "All we are saying is she would of been fun." Fernando jumped in " I'm saying she was cute." 

Her being here didn't really please him. He's known her since middle school and she always acted like an annoying little sister to him. Every time he wanted to go play a game, she came following like a puppy. Everywhere I went, she was there.

I finally thought I was away, until I got a phone call from my mom who happens to be good friends with her mom, saying I had to let her room with me for the time until she found a new place. The good thing was, she seems to be annoyed by me as I am with her.

If we stay out of each others way, it shouldn't be too bad. The boys groaned as soon as we got inside, the place was dead. Nothing but desperate broads on the laps of desperate men. But isn't that what we were here for? To get easy girls? Now I wasn't in the mood.

"Man, lets just go home." Nani spoke first. We all followed with agreements. Great, why do I have a feeling that Paige is going to be my bad luck charm.

Paige's POV

I'm not a morning person. I doubt anyone is. So when I wake up to a loud boom noise, I wake up not only freaked out, but mad as hell. "What the hell is going on here!" I yelled from the top of the staircase.

The living room was all turned over and the place smelled like alcohol and vomit. Cristiano's laugh could be heard down the hallway. "Cristiano!" I yelled louder. He came out of the room at the end of the hallway with a smile from ear to ear. "Yesssss?"  

"What was that?! What is this mess? Oh my god, you all are fucked up aren't you?" 

"Oh hey mother, nice seeing you again. Oh wait you're Paige." He slurred. I stomped my way up to him to slap him in the face until I smelled his horrible odor of beer and vomit. "Hey Paige." Someone called from inside the room.

Cris blocked their face from my view, once again. "Clean yourself up. You look and smell like shit!"  

"You. You think you're so cool because you and a girl footballer. Kiss my *hiccup* arse." 

I glared at him, "Boo, I don't think anyone would want to kiss your sorry arse." With that, I slammed the door, I got the last word. "BITCH!"

Never mind. I sighed and climbed back to bed, trying to drown out the noise with some music. In an instant, Prince Royce's buttery smooth voice was filling my ears, taking me away from this nightmare.

Oh how I wish I could be away from this place. I wish Marcelo was here, but then again, if he was here, he'd be in there, getting drunk with his teammates.

Once again, I was all alone. I didn't like it. And I knew deep inside, it was giving Cristiano pleasure.

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