Chapter 3- Step off the feild

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"What are you doing?" I stood my ground and stared at Paige on the feild we fought on four years ago.

She didn't say a word to me, just glared. Her dark hair in a pony tail with a few strands falling down. "Hello? Are you stupid? I asked you a question."

"Bite me, asshole!" She dribbled the ball back and forth with her heel and toe. The chill in her tone could make anyone shiver. "Let me be."

"Why should I?" I pushed her to the side making her fall to the ground. "You need to learn your place, girl." I was use to talking to her the way I do. We carried it on for four years, why stop now. I threw my ball in the air and kicked it hard. It flew in her direction and hit her in the face.

"Really?? Asshole! Don't fucking test me!" She spat, rubbing her face.

"We need cheerleaders, not players like you. You can make me a sandwhich though, then you can watch me play.

She grabbed her ball and water bottle and stepped off the feild. "You know," she turned for a quick second. "You're not funny, you're not smart, and you will NEVER amount to ANYTHING! I fuckin' hate you Cristiano Ronaldo. And that will never change."

**Paige's point of view**

My whole body was extremely sore at the end of practice. Being the new girl was definately not working out well for me, that was a fact. "Good job, Sickstep." Marcelo patted my back and handed me some water from his water bottle. I gave him a wary smile and looked down at my brand new kit with my name on the back of it. Finally, it felt like I was getting somewhere. Cristiano can suck it! Soon I will be able to go pro, earn more money, and won't have to depend on-

"CRISTIANO RONALDO!" Anja shouted at the top of her lungs. Cristiano and the rest of the Madrid team walked on the feild. "I should get going." Marcelo whispered in my ear.

Cris waved at the girls and looked my way. His stupid face held a smirk until his eyes landed on my kit. I gave him a wide smile and waved at him, only making him roll his eyes and walk to the center of the feild with everyone else.

Point-Paige Lazaro! The score stands at Paige-1 and Cristiano-0. Feeling satisfied with myself, I layed down on the bench and closed my eyes. Thanks to Marcelo, I was feeling better and not completely miserable here. Everything was grea- "Oops, sorry."

Cristiano said sarcastically. My eyes snapped open and met his, my body boiled. I rubbed my cheek that he hit with a ball. "Bastard." I threw the ball at him as he was walking away. He turned on his heel and gave me a bewildered look. "You want to play this again?" He spat.

I jumped up and charged towards him. "I don't play games!" I pushed him only making him go a few inches. "Then step off the feild." His face was inches away from mine and I could feel his breath on my cheeks. "Make me." The boys behind him held amused expressions. It felt like 7th grade all over again. He rested his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down with great force. I howled in pain, my body was already sore, this just added on.

"Cristiano, calm down." Pepe put his hand on his shoulder in attempt to calm him down. Calm down, Paige. Don't get to carried away. I ran into the locker room before having a meltdown in front of Cristiano and the rest of his team.

*Cristiano's POV*

I hated the feeling of eyes baring in the back of my head. The looks I got when I turned around wasn't what I wanted to see, and I have a feeling, 7th grade torment was going to come back up. "What was that, man?" Marcelo lifted his arm towards where Paige had run off to. I shrugged,

I couldn't let the look of regret show up on my face. I agree, pushing Paige to the ground was pushing it a little, but she charged after me first. "Had to do what I had to do." Pepe and Marcelo gave mea disapproving look. "Go apologize."

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