Chapter 7- Adjustment

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"You did WHAT?" I rolled my eyes, I wish I had girl friends. Anja popped in my mind, but she wouldn't understand the situation, especially since she doesn't even know that I room with Cristiano in the first place. "It was a dare!"

"A kiss, not a make out, Paige. You know how much I hate him!" I could tell by his tone that he was talking through grit teeth. "I'm sorry." He sighed and cleared his throat. "It's okay.." Thinking of many ways to change the subject, I remembered their plans on coming to visit me. "Hey! So when are you coming?"

The line grew quiet. "Jonas?" "Not when we planned..moneys tight right now, babe." He sighed deeply, knowing him, he'd be rubbing his temples right now just talking about his love and hate relationship with money. "Don't rush." I whispered. "I will, I got to see you Paige. We got to see you." I moved to my bed and layed down.

Drowsiness taken over me from my previous events. "I got a question." I jumped, the silence made me forget thatI had someone on the phone. "Yes?" "Did you like it?" I furrowed my brows and felt goosebumps on my arms.

"No. It's Cristiano Ronaldo we are talking about! I almost barfed." Lie. "I hate him." Lie. "So you didn't enjoy it?" I could tell he was smiling by the tone of his voice. "No, I didn't enjoy it." Lie.


My eyes blinked open to the room I have been living in for a few weeks now. Since we came back from our first game, I had the day off. Marcelo did too, but he was having a 'day with the boys.'. Which meant that I would be here alone, with nothing to do. I grabbed my clothes I layed on the bed and jumped in the shower quickly. I usually get great ideas in the shower, or atleast clear my head.

*Cristano's POV*

"When are we going to have a damn party?" Sergio Ramos groaned to the tv. He brought over some movie called Project X and forced all of us to watch it with him, it was an ok movie, kind of funny."How so?" He stuck his arm to face the television,

"Like this!" Marcelo grumbled as he layed lifeless on the other sofa. "The fuck is it so bright." He mumbled covered his eyes with a pillow. "Its noon, get your ass up." I threw another pillow at him making him jump. He glared at me and stood up. "Ass." he grumbled. "Hi guys." Marcelo's face lit up by the familiar voice and soon his hang over was gone.

"Paigey!" He ran up to her and picked her up. "You smell terrible." she crinkled her nose, "did you just wake up?" He placed her down and nodded eagerly. "Hey sexy!" Ramos called, eyes still glued to the tv.She was dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a blue top that said Skrillex on it. "Where are you off to?" She glanced my direction and shrugged her shoulders, "Out."

Marcelo smiled and ran to grab his keys, "I'll come!" It was funny how that boy would ditch anyone to hang out with her, he'd leave his mom to go hang out with her. She shook her head and placed her hands in front of her, "Not with you stinking like that. Rain check?" He slumped his shoulders and collapsed on the couch, "Fine." "Hey!" Sergio jumped to his feet, "Let's all go out today!Have some fun! Come on, we got a day off today!"

There was a pause before he said he was paying. "Okay." Paige crossed her arms, Marcelo agreed too. "Where to?" I cocked my head slightly confused with new plans. "Movie?" She shrugged her shoulders, our heads nodded at once. "Then we can go to my house,I have a pool!" Marcelo jumped up again.

"Fuck yeah!" Sergio pumped his fists. Paige turned on her heels and ran down the hall to her room again. "Paige?" "Hold up, I'm trying to find my bathing suit!" Her voice muffled from the distance. She emerged from the room with a checkered 2 peice in her hand along with a towel, and an uninflated beach ball. "Fuck the movies, lets go to the pool!"

Rock The Rants(Cristiano Ronaldo)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now