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When you aren't looking forward to something, time passes by all too quickly. The next afternoon arrived and I found myself sitting in the library, waiting for Louis to arrive. I wouldn't have been shocked if Louis had ditched me to hang out with his jock friends. Alas, he showed up at 4 o'clock sharp. There was a tense, awkward silence for a few moments before I spoke. "Alright then, let's get started." Louis looked at me with a blank expression on his face. I continued. "Open your book to page 394. In order to balance an equation, you must..." 

The two-hour tutoring session passed by without any major conflicts, which was good. Maybe I've misjudged Louis, I thought. I quickly shoved that thought to the back of my brain. I've had too many negative experiences with guys like Louis. Those jocks have pushed me around since kindergarten. Why would Louis be any different? 

I had just finished my homework when my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw a text from my closest friend, Liam. 

How was Golden Boy today? the message read.

He was okay, actually. Seemed to be paying attention and there were no conflicts. Still not too fond of him, though, I replied.

Let's hope it stays that way, Liam said.

Probably won't but stay positive lol, I said. I shut off my phone with a sigh. 

"Why does high school have to be so difficult," I muttered under my breath.

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