Chapter five

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With Pachirisu...
" This doesn't make sense. There's no evidence! How can I figure out who did it, if the murderer is too smart to sloppily give us hints?!" Pachirisu asked. " Maybe you just need to think like one." Sandile said.

" Think like one?" Pachirisu asked. Sandile nodded. " If I was the murderer and I didn't want anyone to figure out who I was I would get rid of all evidence. I also think the murderer hid Litten. If we find Litten, we have a chance." Sandile said. " We? You're not the detective, i am!" Pachirisu said.

" Yeah! Well I'm helping! Don't I get to help?!" Sandile asked. " No. I can't allow you to. You're still a perp. Nothing you can do about it." Pachirisu said.

Sandile's eyes started to water. " I can't believe you!" He said. " Even after all that I was gonna do fer you, you still think I did it!" Then the sand alligator ran off, tears falling to the ground. " I- I never said that I thought you did it." Pachirisu said to empty space.

Then he said, " I suppose I should apologize." He tried to follow the ground type, but he couldn't find him. In the end, he went to Bulbasaur. "...Yeah. That's the whole story. And now I can't find him! He could get killed by the murderer if we don't find him!" Pachirisu said.

An abrupt scream of two Pokémon sent chills down Pachirisu's spine. Please let that not be Sandile, he thought. " Let's go!" Bulbasaur said to him. "..." Pachirisu nodded. They dashed off. With every step, Pachirisu increased his speed. He stopped when he saw a knife. It was impaled through Wurmple's heart.

Suddenly, a familiar Pokémon slammed into Pachirisu. Litten. " Y-you're alive!" Pachirisu and Bulbasaur chorused. " Yeah. I know who the murderer is! I saw them kill one of the Pokémon before they stuffed me into a closet. But I got out and now I'm here!" Litten said, face fallen for a moment before it lifted.

" What happened here?" He asked. " It's a double murder." Charizard states, matter-o-factly. " Wurmple got impaled by a knife." Pachirisu said as he pulled out the evidence. The poor worm was surrounded by his own blood. Or purple goo.

" No!" Litten suddenly said, as his head turned to see the other one who was killed. He pawed the Pokémon. " Not Popplio!" He wailed. He pressed his nose into the Pokémon's neck. There was only one sign he was dead, the blood marks on his neck. Suddenly, the head of the dead seal fell off, making everyone almost barf.

" H-he's beheaded! How dare you! It's all your fault!" Litten said, in the direction of Sandile, Wartortle, Charizard, Pikachu, and Eevee. " Who me?! I didn't do this!" Eevee said. " Forget about it, Litten. You can tell me later. I've got to analyze this." Pachirisu said, walking away.

" I know it was you." He said. " You shoved me into a closet." He said. Most of the Pokémon didn't know who he was even talking to, but one did.

With ???
That cats going to tell on me. I must do something about it. But if I do it here, then everyone will know it was me. And if anything, I must blame it on someone like Sandile. The murderer thought.

I'll kill him tomorrow. He's overrated anyways. He's taking all the attention away from me. The murderer thought. Perhaps....they thought. I can mess with the evidence. My work was so sloppy last time. I can't believe I left the knife I had used to kill both of those worthless Pokémon in that damn fucking Wurmple.

I'm not stupid, but I was stupid enough to run before taking out the knife. Maybe it would have been better this way. Both Pokémon's dna is on it. And so is that foolish detective. So foolish to fall for my tricks.

I can't wait to surprise him. And brutally kill him. I hate him. He's trying to solve this case. Horrible detective. This case would have been better solve with someone who knows more. Hah! He thinks he can be Matlock? He doesn't have that skill! I know it because this will his downfall.

With Sandile
Sniffling, Sandile looked at the two bodies. He looked at Litten. Litten seems really attached to Popplio. Despite them both being males, Sandile thought, I bet they both loved each other.

Sandile then looked at Pikachu. Wait a minute, isn't she also suppose to help Pachirisu? Then why is she being a lazy Pokémon and talking with Charizard instead. " Oh please, I could win a battle against you any day, runt." Charizard said.

" But electric is super effective against flying. And you're fire and flying." She said. Luxio rolled his eyes. " I wish she wouldn't brag to everyone about how great she is. In reality, she's just a speedy, no defense fool." Luxio said to Murkrow who nodded in agreement. " Pikachus think they're so great because they're cute. Just because that one trainer has a really strong Pikachu doesn't mean all Pikachu are just like that. Plus I'm sure that's like a Mary-sue Pikachu." Murkrow said.

" Pikachu are great! What's so great about Murkrow Huh? Murkrow are always the first to be blamed because they must steal things. You're the murderer I know it." Pikachu said. " Woah! Don't start blaming me for telling what's true." Murkrow said.

" It's not true! Pikachu are stronger than your sorry ass!" She yelled at him. " My Sorry ass? I have sexy tail feathers. What do you have? A bolt of lightning tail that is only useful for Tail Whip and Iron tail. Not a big whoop." Murkrow said.

" Calm down guys." Sandile said. " Don't say comments you might regret later." He said. Pikachu smiles. For the first time Sandile had ever seen. She's usually so distant. He thought. But...there's something strange going on. He shook off the thought. " Now, I'm gonna check on the squirrley!" Sandile said as he raced off.

The one question that kept going through his mind was, should I really be going back? I mean we fought. He thought.

Author's note: Did you expect either to be killed? Do you know who the real murderer is? Do you know why I put a POV for Sandile?

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