Chapter seven

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Sandile walked around the place. His claws hit the ground as he walked. Litten told him. Told him everything. But Sandile couldn't do anything about it now. The murderer was out and about.

And they were after a dark type. And it wasn't him. If it was him, he would take them on. But he had to find Murkrow before it was too late. How'd Litten even find out was beyond Sandile's comprehension.

All he knew was the poor little bird, well not poor, was in danger. And he was going to catch the perp in action. He skidded to turn. He felt like his heart was going to give out. A loud caw sounded out.

Oh no! He thought with a sinking feeling in his stomach. That was definitely a bird. And Sandile knew that Charizard roared, not cawed. He dashed to the source of the sound. He was too late.

He reached the room just as a shape ran in the opposite direction. " That scoundrel!" He exclaimed, opening the door. It was revealed to him that Murkrow had died. Shortly. Too late. He thought, gasping down at the dead body.

Eevee walked in. She gasped. " You're the murderer! Pikachu was right!" Eevee exclaimed. She then ran off. Sandile sighed. " It wasn't me." He commented.

He stared down at the dead body of the dark hearted, yet good spirited bird. Murkrow had been choked to death. Lots of feathers were spread around the place. His struggle. I've got to investigate this. No offense to Pachirisu, but he is a horrible detective. I must take care of this case myself. Sandile thought. For if anyone else was murdered, he could solve the case, knowing who did it and all.

Sandile rifled through Murkrow's things. Anything to see if the murderer left any clues to help him ensure that they indeed were the one who did it. Because this person was too close to Pachirisu. And if that were to occur, then the murderer would have the chance to kill off the detective.

Pachirisu listened closely. It was...a Froakie who was speaking. It had a sort of croaky sound to the voice." Listen closely for I won't repeat this."

Curiously, Pachirisu glanced at Bulbasaur. She just smiled sweetly at him. As if they weren't looking for clues. " We thought we could trust all Pokémon. But there is one among us who is after us all. No matter whether if we are overrated or underrated. Strong or weak. Have a good Shiny or not. I have one thing to say. If that Pokémon is still alive: Run. They can get you anywhere. Any size, any type, any time." The Froakie told.

" He wants us to run from the murderer?" Pachirisu questioned. " Yeah. I haven't figured out why, though." Bulbasaur told him.

" This is very interesting. But they didn't specify anything. Their gender? Just said they! Does this mean the murderer is genderless?" Pachirisu questioned thoughtfully.

A caw stopped the detective from his search. The caw stopped all of a sudden. Pachirisu and Bulbasaur raced to find the source. Please tell me it's not another murder. Pachirisu thought with dread.

Pachirisu slammed into something furry and rubbed his head. " Sorry, Detective! I saw...I saw..." Eevee began, eyes bulging out of her head with fear. " What?" Pachirisu asked, folding his little arms. " Sandile! He was in Murkrows room! He's the murderer! He's the murderer I swear! He was last in that room! It has to be him!" She barked.

" What?!" Both partners exclaimed at Eevee's truth. Some of it. " Arrest him! He did it!" Eevee exclaimed. " We can't without proof that he's indeed the murderer. Did you see him murder Murkrow?" Pachirisu questioned.

Eevee shook her head. " But He was there! That should be enough for you losers to figure out it was him." Eevee commented. She then kicked Pachirisu as she went on her way. " She was acting kind of suspicious. Don't you think? She keeps blaming Sandile. But she didn't see him kill Murkrow. If he did, then he wouldn't be standing in the room then. Could it be possible that he was trying to solve this case?" Pachirisu asked Bulbasaur.

" I' not sure." Bulbasaur shyly responded. " Well, we've got to talk to the defendant anyways." He commented. " Defendant?" Bulbasaur asked. " I don't believe that crap she said, but we could always ask Sandile what he was doing." Pachirisu commented.

He raced to the room. A dead Murkrow. " Was he strangled?" Bulbasaur asked with horror. " Looks like it. You don't believe Eevee do you?" Sandile asked him. " Tell me where you were when Murkrow was murdered." Pachirisu ordered. 

" I was on my way....somewhere. I heard this loud caw, and when I got there he was dead. I can't believe I failed to stop them!" Sandile exclaimed, hitting his claws on the ground in a frustration.

" Stop them? Who?" Pachirisu asked, taking out a pad and pencil. Sandile looked away. " The murderer." He stated quickly. Pachirisu glanced at him. He knows more than he's letting on. He thought in outrage.

" And do you know who the murderer is?" Pachirisu asked. " No." Sandile sighed, looking away. " I don't believe you, Sandile. You know who the murderer is!" Pachirisu exclaimed. At those words, Sandile dashed out of the room.

" Shouldn't we go after him?" Bulbasaur asked. " You go after him. I'll search the knife for prints. And Murkrow." Pachirisu told her, putting his pencil in his tail. Somehow.

Bulbasaur nodded. " Roger that!" She exclaimed as she ran after the somehow swift crocodile.

Pachirisu stared at the evidence. " I hope that I can reveal who did it. And soon." He said out loud.

Little did he know that the murderer was watching him with disdain. They laughed. " Not soon enough for your end, my dear detective. Soon you will join Froakie, and the rest of those pathetic warriors of the law."

The murderer looked away, and curled their fist. Their ears flattened. " That's it. I know who to poison next." They laughed, their tail wagging with excite. " You're next, Starter." They whispered to the air. And the murderer swore they could feel Froakie shiver in both fear and horror at what they were about to do.

Authors note: I made that spookier than usual. Xd. Now you know that the two hints, for those that read my randomness, from before, A dark type will die. And, a Flying type will die meant that Murkrow will die. Do you think you know who the murderer is? And who they're after next? And what was up with Eevee? Till the next death, imagine who the murder is! Xd. Enjoy.

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