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Pachirisu looked back at the mansion, eyes filled with sadness for what he witnessed. Besides him stood Bulbasaur. " I want to ask you something." He stated to her, as he faced her adorable face.

" What is it?" She asked him. Her eyes glowed. She was very grateful that no one else died during that battle. Well besides Pikachu's eyes.

" Do you want to become my partner in detective work?" He asked her. " As soon as I become an official detective." He commented really swiftly afterward, finger on chin.

She seemed really happy he asked that. " Yes! I will!" She exclaimed, bouncing when she said that. Wartortle, Luxio, and Sandile joined them. " Ooh! Ooh! Can I too?!" Sandile asked raising his paw in the air like an excited child.

" Of course." Pachirisu replied, chuckling at him. " I water join too!" Wartortle exclaimed. " After all, I am a War turtle." He punned. The other four Pokémon groaned at him. " Sure. But stop punning!" Pachirisu told him. He exaggerated that a little bit.

" What am I not punny?" Wartortle joked, laughing a little bit. Everyone rolled their eyes. " Oh, Arceus, Wartortle. Give it a rest. Mew." Sandile groaned, cursing a little.

" I'll join too, I guess." Luxio commented. " No you're not!" Luxray hissed at his son. " Let me make my own choices for once, Dad!" Luxio exclaimed in his face. " I was just joking." Luxray told him.

" I'm the jokester, and get even I don't get it." Wartortle responded. Luxray patted Wartortle on the back. He was stronger than he realized, and he ended up grounding Wartortle. " Wow. Luxray might be your dad, but it looks like he's grounding me. Or is it Groudon me?" Wartortle tried to pun.

" Give it a rest, Wartortle." Luxio told him, sweat-dropping. The five new friends continued to talk and walk. " So it's settled then?" Wartortle asked Pachirisu. " Yep. We're all detectives. Consider it lucky that I am willing to hire you." Pachirisu said. " No. you consider it lucky that we were the ones who solved this crime." Wartortle told him.

" Actually, it was me!" Sandile bragged. " Who cares! We're all not dead! And that's what's really important!" Bulbasaur exclaimed. " Uh-huh." Everyone else agreed.

Authors note: This is the last part of the book. But don't go away yet. There will be a question and answer section and a Facts. Go check those out if you want.

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