Le chappy chappy uno. c;

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"Gumball, I know we've had our differences, but I think you need to date someone, and I volunteer."

I dunno what to make of this... should I laugh and pretend I'm not totally freaking turned on, or jump his sexy butt. Aaaannnnd the first one is the winner.

"Hah! R-Right! Funny man." I weakly laughed at Marshall's idea of a joke. He gave me some weird hurt look, probably fucking with my emotions again, and sighed.

"Gumball... look, I wanna talk seriously. I think you need to start dating someone, I'm kinda worried man. You're almost nineteen man, and without a girlfriend, or boyfriend if that's what you're into..... just suck it up and ask someone out. I'm not gonna sit here forever and watch you cry about how you're always so lonely. It hurts my rep man. I can't have a sniveling pink Prince following me around cause he can't get laid."

....I-is he for real? Damn it! Am I really that whiny? Maybe I am.... damn it! Maybe he's right....

"I-I dunno man.... I'm scared. I've never dated anyone... my parents shied away from that and didn't teach me... Will you teach me Marsh?" I asked, hiccupping. I rubbed my eye sleepishly like a child. I couldn't help it. It was past my bed time. It was almost three forty AM, and I'm sitting in Marshall Lee's car, talking to him about my stupid issues. Glob forbid we become friends, since we were rivals since the beginning of Freshman year in high school. I dunno.... I kinda had this thing going on, with his ex or something, but I kinda liked him... Did I mention I'm a mess and don't know how the fuck to deal with this? ....

"Sure, Gumbutt. As long as you leave me alone! You and whomever you date will finally leave me alone. Damn, than has a nice ring to it!" He grinned his perfect grin, and I bit my lip.

....Oh yeah Gummy, you're so fucking straight, even a circle can't touch you. I thought. I'm so screwed. If Marshall looks anywhere but my face right now, I'm gonna pop. Why can't he just lemme go home and mope in my misery?!

I kinda just nodded, not listening, wondering what it'd be liken to be one of the random hoe bags he slept with all the damn time. I wonder if he's as muscled and chiseled and fhsidb as I always imagined. yeah, I'm a hot pink, flamboyant mess of an excuse you call a 'Prince'.

Marshall snapped his fingers in front of my dazed, probably hideous vulgar face.

"Gumdrops, you listening? I said maybe I can help you tomorrow.... I've got a hot date..." a slight pause for a devilish and devious grin/smirk that made me wanna hump his face---- I mean kiss him....yeah, that's what I was gonna say. "and I don't wanna piss her the fuck off. So, out? So I can do my thing and you can um....bake?"

I started at him like he was fucking stupid. Cause he was.

"Marshall Lee. It's like almost four in the morning! I refuse to let you think I'm that gay and st-stuff...." I stuttered as he leaned over and chuckled, in my fucking face, making me think he was gonna kiss me. Giving me those lusty green eyes.

"Get out of my car cutie. I'd like to fuck a bitch and then go home satisfied before work in the morning." He smirked lazily and poked my nose. "I'll see you at work, Gumbum."

And with that he reaches around me, opening the car door and pushing me out, I yelp as I land on my tiny ass. I watch that jerk drive away with a little bit more of my sanity. Sighing I stand and go inside of my dull blue house. I can't wait to move. I'm sick of always seeing Marshall, and being his victim. Or being anything to him really. I just wanna be a normal new adult. And not wanna have the urge to make out with the dude who likes to toy with you....

He toys with his food Gumball....before he eats it of course. The tiny voice in my head said as a just lazily threw my clothes on the floor. Stupid fucking voice. I don't want him to eat me. I don't even taste good. I'm a human, durr!

But I couldn't argue any longer, my eyes fought to stay open as I plopped on my bed face first, and groaned. Realizing I have to pee. Fucking fuckity fuck fuck. Can't I just sleep, really body? I get up, pee and then lay back down, and sigh.

Drifting off, the last thought that enters my head is: I wonder how he would taste... and feel...?


A//N: Hey y'all, what do you think so far? Good? Bad? Maybe a little too cheesy? Should I change it or leave it? eh?

....I'm gonna be a butt and do this from now on... I want a minimum of 4 votes, and maybe three comments before I continue this bad boy. okay? Please for the love of Glob, love me enough to do so!


One Fake Smile After Another. (a GumballxMarshall fanfic c; )Where stories live. Discover now