Chapter Eleven. (Holy cheese balls!!)

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                           ~__-Gumball's P.O.V-__~

   So, I was going on a date with Marshall, and lemme just say, it's amazing!

   We're holding hands and talking, (I'm guessing we're dating, considering he keeps kissing me and junk) and walking and just having a great day.

   It felt amazing to actually be wanted for me, and not because I can give amazeballs blow jobs.

   We smiled at each other and I pecked him on the nose, watching his pale face tinge a light pink at his cheeks. I giggle and smile at him brightly.

   I really do love this man. I can't even begin to fathom how much I do. I wanted so badly to tell him too. I mean, I basically told him before, but uh, I wanted to use the "L" word.

   We arrived shortly at the cute little Café a few blocks away from work, I usually came here after work to chill out for a little while.

   "Whoa, you come here often?" Nick said, winking at me and Marshall.

   "Nick, we're practically family, yes I come here often. Quit being weird and get a table, yeah?" I say nonchalantly.

   Marshall looked utterly confused but just shrugs it off.

   "Friend?" He guessed.

   "Uh, yeah, kinda sorta. We were technically birthed from the same canal." I mumble and look away, I didn't want him knowing Nick and I were half brothers.

   What can I say, my mom is a cheater.

   "Oh, coo, coo." Marshall said, nodding to an unheard beat.

   "Right this way, faery." Nick snickered.

   "Oh, why thank you, metrosexual individual!" I grumble and follow him, my voice dripping sarcasm in globs.

   "Uh, is this normal?" Marshall asks, looking more than a bit confused.

   "Is what normal?" Nick and I pipe up at the same time.

   "Uh." Marshall slowly blinks. "Everything?"

   I furrow my eyebrows and Nick busts a nut laughing. He wipes an imaginary year away and chuckles lightly.

   "Oh you, you're funny. You have nice tastes bro. If I was even the least bit curious, I'd take him from you." Nick grins cheekily and winks at Marshall, who looks about ready to bolt.

   "I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your grimy mitts away from my boyfriend, Nicholas." I groan, why can't I keep what I like?

   "Boyfriend, eh?" he grins impishly. Uh....that's never good?

   "Yeap, Gummies boyfriend, and he's still here, so if you two would be so kind and include me, or um, I dunno, do your job and get us food or something? Kay, thanks!" Marshall glowered and sat at the table.

   Nick rolled his eyes and did as he was 'commanded' by Marshall.

   "You okay Marshy?" I ask hesitantly. I don't want him to snap at me.

   "Fine, he was just getting on my nerves by hitting on you." he grumbled.

   Awh, he got jealous. Of my half-brother. Okay, that's gross.

   "He wasn't hitting on me, trust me." I murmur, I don't want him thinking I'm sticking up for Nick, or putting myself down.

   "Whatever." he sighs and looks in another direction. There goes the happy feeling...

One Fake Smile After Another. (a GumballxMarshall fanfic c; )Where stories live. Discover now