Chapter Twelve. (Le End Babes~)

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   I stayed sitting in the waiting room for over six hours before a nurse told me I could see Marshall.

   What I saw, wasn't what I expected. To say the least, I cried too much today, and it's killing me.

   Just like the way Marshall looks, is killing me. His beautiful skin is marred and covered in cuts, scrapes and bruises. Dried blood clotting his hair, and is clumped around his nostrils, it was the scariest sight I have ever seen.

   I walk over to his bedside and bite back a cry. My poor Marshall. How could this happen to him?

   I touched his hand and shake slightly. The only sounds I hear are the faint beeping from the heart monitor and the oxygen tank beside him. His chest inflates and deflates with the help of said tank.

   "He can't do anything on his own, I'm afraid. It's quite sad." an older nurse says from the doorway, bringing in a clean bedpan and gauze. I look at her for a slight moment before looking back at the man I love, a vegetable in a white linen bed.

   "Do you think he'll make it?" I ask, my voice only breaking at the end as I try to steel myself for the inevitable.

   "I don't think so hon, I'm so sorry. I wish I could give you a better chance at hope, but there is none." the older woman says softly as she places a hand on my shoulder gently. "Perhaps you should go home son, get some rest. You've been here for over eight hours, you've gotta be exhausted."

   I shake my head and sink into the conveniently placed chair beside Marshall's bedside. "I can't just leave him...what if he wakes up? I don't want him to be alone..."

   The nurse shakes her head slowly and looks at me with a worried, maternal look. "Sweetie, there's a big chance he won't make it...Don't get your hopes up for nothing."

   I want to snap at her and tell her she's wrong, but, I know she's right. They're always right...

   The nurse leaves a moment or two later, after cleaning and fixing my Marshall's broken form.

   I clutch his hand and slowly drift off into a dark and dreamless sleep.

~~~~~~~~««Time Skip, Four Months»»~~~~~~~~

   I grabbed a box of cream from the back just as my cellphone rings in my back pocket. I jumped, startled, and pulled it out, answering it without looking at caller ID.

   "Hello, Gumball Prince here."

   "Hi, Mr. Prince, this is the St. James Hospital calling. We are calling to inform you that you need to come to the hospital as quickly as you possibly can."

   "Is Marshall doing better?!" I almost literally shout. Could he be better?! Is he waking up?

   "Uhm, please just come down, the information is classified, and cannot be distributed over the phone."


   She hung up on me.... what the hell? Bitch.

   "Cake," I call out as I rip off my apron. "Marshall is doing better, I have to get to the hospital!"

   "Oh, honey, go, I'll have Chrome cover you baby. Smack him good for me, will you?" Cake giggled and continued cleaning up the dried puke from some persons kid. Yeah, gross.

   "Kay, thanks bye!" I rush out as I rush to get to my car.

   It takes about thirty minutes to get there, and I hastily park my stupid car and scramble inside. I reach the front desk breathless and flushed. "M-Marshall Lee's room?"

   Last time I ran straight through, I got escorted out by the security officers. It wasn't pretty either.

   "Down the hall, to the right. You don't need to ask Gum, I won't call Lard and Tubby on you again." the receptionist says with a small weak smile. "Go get em tiger."

   I quickly make my way down the corridor to my boyfriends room and stop in the doorway. I hear voices, and my breath catches. Marshall.

   His voice is faint, but it's still there. I push open the door and look at the doctor and my boyfriend having a small conversation. I gasp slightly and rush to his side, crying so badly. I bury my face in his neck and cling to him.

   "Hey Gummy. Long time no see, huh?" his weak voice slides to my ears, I look up and the tear pour out of my eyes.

   He woke up to say goodbye. He's not going to make it much longer....

   "Look, baby, I love you, okay? I just..." He trails off, his voice getting weaker.

   "....I love you too Marshall....please don't go...we...I..." I start sobbing uncontrollably and cling to him tightly. "I just found can't leave me!"

   Marshal smiles sadly as he draws his last breath before he quietly says, "Move on. Be happy without me."

   As he murmurs that, his heart monitor flat-lines, and the room goes deadly quiet. I detach myself from him and stand.

   I can't do this. This isn't how its supposed to happen. We're supposed to be happy! Alive and happy!

   I shake as I start crying, I hold onto myself and take a shuddering breath. I need to go home.

   Before the doctor can say his condolences, I turn and bolt from the room, heading to my car. Only one thing going through my mind.

   Where I left my gun.

   I make it home in under fifteen minutes, and stumble into my house. I look around and frown, the tears showering down my cheeks. I need my gun. I need to be with Marshall.

   I search and search until I finally find it. My snub nosed 45 caliber revolver. This is it. I'm going to put an end to my pathetic lonely life. I'm going to be with Marshall...once and for all.

   I place the barrel to my temple and smile weakly, looking around my living room from my couch. I take a shuddering breath before pulling the trigger.


   I fall to the couch cushions in a bloody heap. The last thing running through my mind, before the bullet pierces it is Marshall's smiling face, and the last thing I sang to him at the hospital.

   "Comatose, I don't wanna wake up without an Overdose, of you!"


A//N: Okay guys, this is the end! Enjoyed it? The quote was just something that came to mind. I really didn't have anything lolz xD well, I'm proud of myself. Yeap xD


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