Chapter Eight! (._. Moo)

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                               ~__-Marshall's P.O.V.-__~

   So, this was a disaster. I've tried and tried again to contact the guy who took what rightfully belonged to me. My freaking mind.

   I couldn't get the stupid pink blubbery thingy dude out of my brain. It's like he fucking moved in there. And lemme tell you, it's not pleasant. Cause all I can think of is doing some stuff little kids are not supposed to hear.

   But no! For three fucking days, I remained trying to contact his ass to see if he was alright. After the scene at the market, I actually got kinda worried.

   So I did what any rational person would do, and went to his house. I stood there knocking for about twenty long as fuck minutes before a very distraught looking Gumball answered the door.

   "If you're here to pester me about kicking the little girl for her cookies again, I'm not apologizing....I--" Gumball cut himself off as he looked up at me. "Oh shit." he uttered as he tried to slam the door in my face.

   "Gumball! What the fuck, you have had me worried! Not to mention flappy vagina, and her dick-for-brains lover...! What the fuck has gotten into you?!" I said snapping. I pushed his door open and lightly shoved him back, closing the door behind me. I decided it was best to ignore the fact he kicked a little girl for cookies, and get straight to the point. "Seriously, I'm your friend, fucking talk to me!"

   "What's gotten into me?! ME?! Excuse me! You wanna know, huh? You." he growled lowly and shoved me against the closed front door. "You're what's gotten into me Marshall, fuck! You don't know when to leave well enough alone, do you?!"

   "The fuck are you bitching about?" I snapped right back at him. Fuck, is he bleeding out of his mangina or something?

   "I'm. In. Fucking. Love. With. You. You of all people! God. I've tried to distance myself from you, but you just can't get the hint, can you?" Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked pissed at me.

   I don't even know why I did it, but I pulled him to me and pressed my lips against his. He stood stock still against me, I could taste the saltiness of his tears on his lips, and it only made him taste so, so much sweeter.

   And I loved it. Every fucking second of it. I think I just got addicted after one taste. But what made this even better? After seemingly endless moments, he kissed back.

   I placed my hands on his hips and crushed him against me. There was no fucking way he was going anywhere. Not whilst I had him at last.

   I heard him whimper against my lips as I licked his bottom lip, none too gently, simply commanding entrance. He gave it to me within seconds, and he nibbled my tongue as it slid into his mouth and explored every crevice.

   I groaned and pulled away a little, looking down at him with hazy eyes, God, could he get any more....beautiful?


   "...C-Call me B-Bubba....please?" he whimpered and looked up at me, and I was shocked by what I saw on his face.

   There was so much emotion, I've never seen before now. I could tell what three of them were. Lust, need, and surprisingly enough, love. I leaned down and kissed him again. "Bubba, I have one simple question. Can you answer me truthfully?"

   He nodded and hiccupped, but stayed quiet.

   "...This is going to make me seem like a whore or something...but I held out from sleeping around because I was worried about you...can I, um...y'know..."

   I blushed a little and averted my gaze away from his gorgeous face. " want sex?" he mumbled quietly, his voice almost getting lost to the sounds of my heartbeat and breathing. I nodded slowly and waited for him to tell me to get out.

   "....only for you."


A//N: So, hope this is long enough, I got really bored and wanted to update, enjoy~


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