Monika's Missing...Again

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"Your sister visited me last night," I said with a playful smile as I stood on the ever-familiar white platform. "What was that about?" 

Maricana put the tips of her fingers over her mouth to stifle a laugh. "She was just checking on you, and now I'm doing the same." 

I raised an eyebrow. "No, I just think you're jealous." 

"What could I possibly be jealous about?" 

I smirked. "Because she hugged me last night before you ever did." 

Maricana became flustered. "I...W-Well I could hug you if I wanted to!" 

I laughed. "Well, why won't you do it then?" 

She pouted before coming down to my level. Maricana looked at me for a moment before slowly wrapping her arms around my body. I did the same and brought her into the embrace. She rested her head on my shoulder. 

"This...actually feels really nice," she said softly. "I've never hugged a human before." 

I couldn't help but agree with her. Hugging an angel made me feel warm and relaxed. We held each other for a few more moments before I released her. 

Maricana was blushing quite a bit. She cleared her throat before speaking. "Um, thank you for that. I believe that it was needed." 

I smiled. "Anytime." 

She smiled back. "I'll definitely consider that. Well, I believe that I should get going. Things are beginning to become more stressful by the minute up in heaven." 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"As my sister told me, war is becoming more and more of a reality," Maricana explained. "We can't say for sure when it will actually begin, but it is sooner rather than later." 

I pursed my lips. "I'm assuming in my lifetime?" 

"I am afraid so," she said with a slow nod. "But worry not, Noah. We have many heroes that will assist us in case things happen sooner than we predict." 

I furrowed my eyebrows. "So you're saying that it could happen at any given time?" 

The angel pursed her lips. "I'm afraid so. Things are becoming more unpredictable by the minute. The reason why we are so afraid is that our enemy is more powerful than we can believe. We're not even sure if we can handle it alone." 

"What makes you think that I could help?" 

"That is a discussion for another time," she said softly. "I must go now. Good luck on your journey. Much lies ahead of you." 

That concluded the dream. I closed my eyes as I was sent back into reality, not having any idea what was in store for the next morning. 


I woke up to a peacefully sleeping Natsuki on me. All of the memories from yesterday came flooding back to me quicker than a bullet. I rubbed my head, feeling a headache coming. 

"Damn..." I said to myself, trying not to wake Natsuki up. 

I carefully moved her off of me, trying my best not to be too forceful. I managed to escape. She was a heavy sleeper when she wanted to be.

Monika's door still stood untouched from last night and Odysseus's warning made me worried. I slowly walked up to it and tried the handle, only to find it still locked. I almost knocked, but I heard Natsuki stir in her sleep. She rolled around to where her back was facing me but remained asleep. I turned back to the door but decided not to knock. It was best if she stayed asleep. 

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