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ID: Carnes, Jacob

Status: Alive, Stressed

Location: Irving Park, Chicago, IL

Date and Time: September 9th, 1:51 am


Jacob, as usual, had a hard time sleeping that night. It wasn't because of the loveseat not being comfortable, and it certainly wasn't because of the change of scenery. He glanced beside him, and Yuri was peacefully sleeping in the seat next to him. 

So what was the issue? 

It was simple Jacob couldn't get his mind to shut up. He knew that from here on out, everything had to be perfect. He and the group couldn't afford any more slip-ups. If they did, it could cost them the entire universe. 

Was he exaggerating this? He couldn't be sure, and it was stressing him out. They've already had three encounters with Austin's gang, but still no sign of Kronos. Was there a reason behind that? 

Jacob rubbed his eyes with his palms and ran them down his cheeks. Meanwhile, movement came from the recliner. 

"You're still awake?" Noah asked in a whisper, not trying to disturb anyone. 

He sighed and matched Noah's tone. "Of course I am. How am I supposed to sleep with all of this going on?" 

Noah didn't say anything for a few seconds, and to Jacob's surprise, he let out a tiny chuckle. "Seems like we're in the same boat. Want to step outside?" 


Jacob slowly closed the loveseat's leg rest without waking Yuri. He stood up and followed Noah to the front porch. Once they were outside, a gentle breeze made Jacob shiver. He wished he had his sweatshirt, but it had burned in the apartment fire. 


Jacob glanced at Noah, who seemed unfazed by the chilly air. "Yeah, just a bit." 

"I've always loved the cold," Noah said in a reminiscent voice. "Growing up in Arkansas was one of the few good things that happened in my childhood. We actually had four seasons." 

He couldn't help but smile. "I visited Arkansas for the first time for one of Savannah's college visits. It was around this time of year, now that I think about it. It was beautiful." 

A twinge of sadness came across him at the thought of his sister. Jacob pursed his lips. "Hey, Noah?" 

He turned his gaze to him. "What's up?" 

"Will I see my sisters again?" 

Jacob felt stupid asking that question. Noah was always the person that encouraged not just him but the entire group. For once, Jacob wanted to be the person that picked others up when they were down and not have to rely on others for his feelings. 

"Yeah, you will." 

Noah's sudden change of tone took Jacob by surprise. He sounded confident, as if he was a hundred percent sure of his answer. What if Jacob didn't survive the upcoming war? What if he never got to see his sisters again? 

"H-How can you-" 

"I can promise that, too." 

Again, that took Jacob by surprise. Noah didn't make promises unless he knew he could keep them, and Jacob knew that. 

"How can you promise something like that?" Jacob asked, desperation forming in his voice. "You never know what could happen tomorrow or much less five minutes. Austin's gang could raid this house just like Shy's or burn down Nathan's house without a second thought." 

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