Hey, Batter, Batter...

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Once Jacob finished the egg, sausage, and toast breakfast, the six of us proceeded to sit at the rectangular dining table while casually conversing with one another. However, I chose to stay quiet simply to listen while eating my breakfast. It wasn't that I didn't want to talk, I was much more comfortable being a listener than a talker. I would chime in with my comments now and then, but I typically let the talkers like Jacob and Sayori lead the conversations. Sayori makes it interesting to listen to anyway. 

However, one of the introverts had an interesting question. 

"Natsuki, when are you going to bake more cupcakes?" Yuri asked. "I miss the chocolate ones you made a couple of months ago." 

Yuri mentioning the cupcakes brought back a heartwarming memory of the first day of the game. Natsuki's cupcakes were and still are top-tier. 

As expected, she smiled confidently in response. "Oh, Yuri. You just can't get enough of them, is that right?" 

Yuri blushed in sudden embarrassment. "I-I mean, they're good..." 

Natsuki chuckled. "I'm just teasing! It's funny to see you get all flustered." 

"It's okay, Yuri!" Sayori reassured with a smile. "I guess you can say that Natsuki's cupcakes can leave you speechless at times." 

The table laughed at the joke. I shook my head and was about to speak, but Jacob cut me off before I could say anything.

"Alright, that one was pretty good," he said with a light chuckle. "But anyway, what should we do today? I want to get out of the house for a while." 

I nodded. "I agree. I've never been the kind of person that likes to stay cooped up inside for too long. Although it depends on the day." 

"What do you mean?" Monika asked with slightly furrowed eyebrows. 

"There are some days where I don't mind being in the house all day, which happened a lot before I was transported in the game," I explained, thinking back on my past. "But there were also times when I felt that I had to do something. I guess it was my athletic side kicking in." 

"I'm the same way," Sayori said. "Especially in the game, it was always hard to find the motivation to get outside, clean the house, or go for a jog around the neighborhood like I used to. But now, there are times when I feel like I need to do something." 

"Well, does anyone have any ideas?" Natsuki asked before taking a bite of her toast. 

Jacob suddenly pulled out his phone. "I could get us tickets to the Cubs game, perhaps. I'm not too into baseball, but I still enjoy watching it from time to time. What do y'all think?" 

I let a chuckle escape my mouth. "Since when were you a Cubs fan?" 

"I don't have a favorite team," he answered with a shrug. "I just thought that it'd be nice to go to a game." 

"I'm not against it," I said. "Who are they playing?" 

Jacob looked at his phone again. "Seems like this is their last game of the series against the Red Sox." 

My eyebrows raised in interest. "Oh, shoot. It should be a good game then. Last I checked, they're both really good teams." 

Jacob slipped his phone into his pocket and turned to the rest of the group. "Well? What's the verdict?" 

"I'm down to go," I announced. 

Monika shrugged. "I like baseball. I think it'd be fun." 

Yuri hesitantly nodded. "Well, I wouldn't mind a pleasant outing. A change of pace sounds nice." 

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