Welcome to the Losers Club!

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(Song I picked for this is SWMRS-Silver bullet <3)

Bev! We called out but she was just floating in the air practically dead. " H-H-how is she in the air?" Richie asked.  " Guys are those." Eddie said. " The missing kids floating." Stan said in shock. " Just let me grab her." Me, Ben , Richie and Mike started pulling her down.

" Her eyes , why do they look like that?!"I said panicked. " Bev! Beverly!" Ben started shaking her, "Why isn't she waking up! What is wrong with her?! Beverly please! Come on!"

I started to cry, "Don't leave me Bev, please don't." I said tears flowing down my face, with Richie's arms wrapped around me in tears too.

But Ben put his hands around Bev's face and kissed her. " Whoa whoa." Eddie said. " Eww." Richie said.  She took a deep breathe of air and her eyes went back to normal. " January embers." She said. "Guys what the fuck just happened!" I said wiping tears away from my eyes.

" My heart burns there too." Ben said.  " Jesus fuck!" Richie laughed wrapping his arms around Bev and Ben making us gather in a group hug. "Oh god." Mike said.

" I thought we lost you for good." Y/n said. " Where's Bill?" Bev asked. We started back up looking for him and found him standing in front of Georgie or at least half of Georgie. " But you're not Georgie." Bill said and pointed the gun to it's head and shot it.

Than it turned back to it's original form the fucking clown. " Kill it bill!! Kill It!!" Eddie screamed. We all kept screaming for Bill to kill it. "It's not loaded." Mike said. Than it took Bill to the ground. Bev picked up a pipe piece and tried to kill it , than Mike tried and got thrown.

Bill and Richie got on to it's back with the gun thing holding its mouth and Ben biting the clowns arm, having a hold of Stan. Than threw them all down and kept Bill with him on the ground.
 " Let him go!" Bev shouted. 

" Nooo I'll take him , I'll take all of you and I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear , or you just leave us be and I'll take him only him , than I will have my long rest and you will all live to grow old and thrive and lead happy lives until old age take you back to the weeds." Pennywise said back.

" L-Leave, I'm the one who dragged you all into this I-I-I'm so s-s-sorry." Bill said.  " s-s-sorry haha!" Pennywise said back.  " Go!" Bill shouted. "Guys, we can't." Bev said. "And we won't." I said back.

" I told ya Bill , I fucking told you I don't wanna die. It's your fault you punched me in the face , you made me walk through shitty water , you brought me to a fucking crackhead house and now I'm going to have to kill this fucking clown." Richie said pulling out a bat. "Welcome to the losers club asshole!" He said hitting the clown in the head.

" I'm fucking tired of this dipshit!" I shouted. We all grabbed weapons to kill him but he kept changing into our fears. Than Ben stabbed pennywise in the heart I'm assuming , we still kept hitting Pennywise. Than he shaped into Bev's fear and she stabbed him right through his mouth. "Holy fuck!" I shouted.

Pennywise started backing up. " That's why you didn't kill Beverly , cause sh-sh-she wasn't afraid and we aren't either not anymore. Now you're the one who's afraid because you're going to starve." Bill said.

The clown flipped into the well holding on with his fingers , Mumbling random shit.  "Fear." Pennywise said as he let go and fell all the way down.

" I know what I'm doing for my summer experience essay." Richie said. Bev hugged Bill and I hugged Richie and Eddie. " Guys, Guys the kids are floating down." Eddie said. We all looked and all walked over and hugged Bill who was crying because of Georgie.

-To the promise scene we gozz -

" I can only remember parts , but I thought I was dead, that's what it felt like I saw all of us together back in the sewers but we were older like our parents ages." Bev said.

" Wh-What were we all doing there?"Bill asked. " Yeah, What were we doing there?" I asked too.

" I don't know I just know how we felt, how scared we were. I don't think I can ever forget that." Bev said and Ben started to say some things as I started to zone out staring at the ground recapping everything that happened until Bill got up.

"Swear s-swear if it isn't dead , If it ever comes back , w-will come back too." Bill said. Bev stood up than we all stood up as well. Bill cut Richie's hand.

Than Richie grabbed my left hand and bill cut my right hand than he cut Eddie's and Eddie held onto Richie's other hand , than mikes , than Stan's , than Ben's and lastly Bev. We all held hands. Than started leaving one by one.

(Authorzz note *GUYS THIS IS NOT OVER I REPEAT NOT OVER! Lol I'm adding on some more on this than making a sequel.


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