》Chapter Three《

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It took me all day but I finally got it down. I have another chapter but that will be posted tommorow If I have a chance. But for now enjoy the chappie.


Itachi's Pov~

"Your. Not my father." Was what Sauske said, Just before stepping out of the house.

leaving us to process his final words alone In the house.

The guilt hit me hard as all I could do was watch him express a look of hurt, dissapointment, and betrayal at father. As I could only watch from the sidelines how sauske opened his heart out with no tears. Just those three feelings evident to his face.

And I didn't even have a chance to tell him that father was just Bullshitting him and was his way of motivating him to do better then the last.

The once guilty feeling had has shifted into a feeling of hatred towards my father.

This was all his doing. It always has and always be.

He should already now that sauske is more than just a disappointment to the clan and to him.

He was family.

And family was suppose to support each other no matter what happend.

I gritted my teeth at the continuous flow of emotions entering and exiting body. My hands were fisted into a ball as I controlled my one strongest emotion. Anger, from taking a hold of me.

Everything...always starts because of him.

I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to get out of here as fast as possible before all my rushing emotions could explode. They were just getting to big for my little frame to keep them In for to long.

But I can't go and leav father here all zoned out. He'd get All riled up for leaving without permission from him.

So...I srayed. I stayed there until he would snap out but it was becoming quite uncomfortable after a few seconds passed by.

The feelings On In my chest became heavy as I grew tired. It was becoming so unbearable that I began to claw at my chest to stop it from growing any further.

Why was hiding my emotions from the clan easier then when it came to Sauske?

Brain: It's because Sauske the one good thing that keeps you same. That makes you feel alive.

Well, you got a point there brain...

Brain: of course I do! I'm your brain for ducks sake! He's the only one who let's you cry on his shoulder. He's the one thing that makes you feel like you have a purpose In life.

But what about this new side of Sauske?! It's just screwing me up. That I don't even know what to think anymore.

Brain: maybe it's some sort of phase he's going through? Ya know. Like puberty or something?!

An Irk mark appeared above my head.

No. It can't be puberty ya Dumas! Puberty only starts at 12 or 13 years old! Not 8! You ducking retard!....and besides... I would have known it was a phase if I had one just like his but.

Knowing to well, this is Sauske were talking about. Not me.

Sauske and I are two completely diffrent people. We don't have so many things in common anyway.

He has a childhood unlike me. My childhood was just me doing clan business and training since I was announced a prodigy.

Brain: But now that sauske's abilities have been released. It means that you'll have to keep him even more safe and happy from the clans Influence to take control of him, don't ya?

....yeah....And I'm willing to keep doing it whatever it takes to keep him happy.

He's my little brother. He's the one thing I would sacrifice everything for, Including my life.

That's how special my relationship with sauske Is.

Brain: But how will protect him If he's finally unlocked his sharingan!.... with not one but three tomoes In each one in a single go?!

I stayed silent. A flash of Sauske's eyes passed through my head. Which gave me chills In reliving it all over again.

They looked cold. Dark. Emotionless. As if someone had pulled the plug to his emotions. His eyes looked like a never ending abyss of darkness. A pit where you could never come out of again.

Brain: He also acted like something had posseded him. A dark entity, I say.

His behavior seemed to be something that belonged to someone that was once evil and heartless. And with the sharingan, it makes it look even more worse. As If he resembled a mass murder.

Brain: And let's not forget that never In history has there ever been someone who had unlocked the sharingan with three tomoes on their first go.

Yeah....when I witnessed it, I was awed at his eyes, and yet, scared at the though of father telling the clan about him and using him to over throw the village.

Sauske will now be the center of attention in the clan. And I have no Idea how long can I protect him from everything that's about to happen.

I know that I won't be able to be there for him all my life.

Eventually, he'll leave and find a beautiful girl to start a family with and I'll be an uncle. And Uncle! Can you believe that!

Yet, knowing well were my own path was going down; I won't be alive to see that day.

Brain: But since your still here and breathing. Let's continue to enjoy everything we have before it gets gruesome. Okay?

Yeah. Your right. And talking about 'enjoying everything', I'll take great pleasure In protecting Sauske to the best of my abilities.

Starting now.

And then I left, just like Sauske, but with a mission at hand.

And that mission was to
Find out and enjoy every little bit Of time I have left with sauske before D-day.

Chapter Three ✔
Soo....what do you think?

Comment are greatly appreciated 😁

Love, Leah
(AKA Merciless_Myers)

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