》Chapter Four《

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Itachi's Pov~

It only took awhile to finally catch up to Sasuke, who was calmly strolling down the path to the academy.

But while In doing so. He surprised me by going the wrong direction, which was through the path of big Sakura tree's growing beside it.

Millions of questions flooded my head like...

Why would he go through there?

I thought he said he hated sakura trees?

Why go through a path that reminds him of an annoying pink haired girl?

I was beyond confused and frustrated by this New Sauske that I could no longer understand. Or read!

So like every good detective/ninja...I decided to get closer and closer until I heard him whisper softly towards the Sakura trees.

"Wait for me Tsuma" and "wait for me."

Tsuma? Who was this Tsuma he speaks about? Sauske wasn't married yet? He doesn't have a wife?!


What's happening to sauske?!

Why's he acting so weird?!

Why can't I freaking understand this child?!?!?!

Sauske had finally arrived at the academy but almost instaneously froze to a complete stop infront of the school.

His head turned to the left. Eyes locked onto a little girl with pink hair and big round green eyes.

She looked so small and frail.

"Tsuma." Was what Sauske whispered.

Tsuma was a little girl with bright pink hair and forest green eyes. And a weird sense of fashion.

She looked down at the ground as girls picked on her from all sides.

And just as the bell rang. They left her crying on the floor.

Wow....harsh. even for me

Sauske stood there watching her for a few seconds and walked away from her, leaving her on the floor by herself.

Omg! That's even harsher!

Sauske was just about to enter the academy, when suddenly turned to face me with both sharingan eyes activated.

My body froze. He smiled. And then mouthed words from afar from me, too me.

"Look behind you."

I slightly paled at the thought of something behind me like every other horror movie scene.

When they find themselves dead on the floor In their blood. But I turned around anyway and found myself with Sauske standing right behind me. Looking down upon me with looming shadows over his face. As they shadowed his eyes, nose, and cheeks.

I could feel my stomach flip in a nauseous way. My heart hammering against my chest. My uneven breathing. And profound sweat running down my face.

His lips were pressed thin before morphing into a mad smile.

How did he....sense me? He isn't suppose too.

What the fuck Is going on?!

Sauske chuckled. "Well well well Nii-san.." He casually Began. His expression expressing fake amusement.

"Looks like you've been following me. Haven't you?."

I could feel burning bile rise up to my throat but swallowed before It would come out.

I could feel myself shake In sheer fear at the moment I was having right now.
I was hundred percent sure my face must look extreamly pale at the moment.

And Im positively sure sauske can see it. His sick smile says it all.

In this case right now, I would describe this mad man -No- mad boy...before me was deliriously Insane.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.You shouldn't have come Nii-san." He giggled happily; too happily go rmy taste.

"You don't know what I'm made of.....None of you do" His once giggly voice dropped to a dark and threatening tone. Almost like a grown man's voice.

*shiver* scary.

As I continued to watch my brother's next move, I shaklly reached for a kunai hidden In my back pocket. Hidden from plain sight but before I could pull it out. I was stopped by my only brother by his small hands pinning me to the tree.

My eyes widened In fear as I tried to rip my wrist from being held captive. No such luck eaas there for me. And All I could do was stare at him with wide eyes that held fear in them towards my little brother.

Sauske's face was no longer shadowed by the angle of the shadows. His face now visible as it allows his red blood eyes to be shown, as well as the crazy lopsided grin He he had plastered to his face.

It was utterly terrifying. Almost rivaling mothers crazy grin when she was angry for something we did.

But that was nothing compared to the face sauske had right now.


Real sinster.

And It was something I knew...I didn't like about this New side of Sauske at all.

"Next time Nii-san..." Sauske whispered In my ear.

When in the hell did he get to crouch level with me?! And closer too?!

"...I see you around and following me around. Your going to regret ever having me as your little brother......Understood."

My words wouldn't escape from me. So I simply nodded to show I fully understood him.

"Good. Now leave...before you find yourself six feet under...In a grave."

I nervously launched myself off the branch almost immediately from his word.

All I could do was run and jump from tree to tree until I knew I was far away from lunatic Sauske. Not once stopping to empty out the contents in my stomach that were just begging to spill themselves out of me.

And It did once the wind carried the last few words from Sauske all the way to my ear...

"Don't worry to much about our clan Nii-san. They wont be of use to us later." He sounded gidley.

"The dead are dead. Their Is no second chance. They'll be gone as dead. And once they're out of the picture. They're will be NO ONE to stop us. Not even father! HAHAHAHAHAH!"

I hovered over a bush as I emptied my stomach.

Ejaculating the poisonous liquid from my stomach through my mouth.

This wasn't Sauske. This isn't my little brother. The one who would laugh, cry, and bug me for training.

This person Isn't my brother...not anymore.

Sauske Uchiha was gone.

Chapter Four ✔
So...what did you think?

😁Comments are greatly appreciated

Also, I am sorry to say this but I won't be updating allot because I only have a few more weeks before I graduate high school and I can't have anything distract me from completing the last few requirements to get out of there. But don't worry, I'll still try to update when I can. Just be patient with me. Love ya guys.

Love, Leah
(AKA Merciless_Myers)

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