That Snicker

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I ran straight to the bathroom. How dare Miss Kingston laugh at my problems, she was there to help me, not laugh at me. Once I got to the bathroom I went into a stall and grabbed a whole pile of toilet paper, sat down and started crying.

I didn't care if anyone one else was in the bathroom. After about 20 minutes of full on crying, I got up the courage to leave my stall once and for all. I hobbled over to the mirror, completly ignoring the other girls touching up their already orange faces. Carly and I used to call those sort of girls cheesy puffs.

Just thinking of Carly made me tear up again. I refused to cry again, I took a deep breath and grabbed my lip gloss out of my pocket. I applied a thick, shiny layer of strawberry flavoured lip gloss. I puckered my lips, fixed my hair and hobbled out of the toilets.


What should I do?


I decided to wonder the school, which was a stupid idea because half-way through the walk, one of my blisters on my hand popped, leaving my hands in a sticky state. Crap.I had to go to the nurses office to clean this mess up. It felt awfull. All sticky and gooey. When I walked into the nurses office my favourite nurse was there, Katie. Katie was the sweetest women I have ever met. Whenever I see her I think about how nice she was when I first got my period. I was crying so she sat me down, gave me a glass of water and called my mum.

Katie is 35 years old, has dead straight brown hair and eyes the colour of a tropical ocean. Her office is in the nurses office. Her desk has pictures of her adorable kids, 2 little girls, who unlike their mother have golden blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes. It didn't make sense to me at first, being a brunette with blue eyes and having 2 little girls with blonde hair and brown eyes, but then I looked at her screen saver, it was a picture of her wedding with Charles. My mouth fell open. Her husband was hot, and not just a little hot, he was like an angel sent down from above. He has a chiseled face, strong jaw and you can see his 6 pack from under his tight t-shirt. Then a picture of their dog came on. She was a beautiful golden spoodle, with long curly hair and the most adorable face I've ever seen. I was so busy looking at Katie's pictures, I didn't notice when one of the office lady's came in wondering what I was doing. I didn't know what to say, so I just said

'I was told to wait in here by Katie.'

And of course, she believed me. I stood there for a while trying to act casually. I finally sat down and waited for Katie to come.

I waited half an hour, by the time Katie arrived my hand was dry. I was really annoyed. But she still asked what was wrong. I told her that 'one of my blisters popped.' She told me to show her, so I did. She then gave me a disinfectant hand wash, which by the way stung like hell, and smelled really weird. She then gave me a bandage to put over my blisters, to avoid any further popping.

I said thank you and then left.


I decided it was time for me to go and see Miss Kingston, as I had a free period and I wasn't in the mood for studying. After about 10 minutes of walking I finally arrived at her office. I knocked on the door and looked through the window. Only to find the normally perfect desk and neat bookshelf to be a complete and utter bomb shell. I knocked again, no answer. So, I decided to go in and wait for her. With every minute passing by, I started to get really nervous. My heart felt like it was racing at 100 km per hour and my palms were getting all sweaty (although, I do have bandages on them, which didn't help), but that wasn't the point. I was more afraid of making myself hyperventilate.

'Just keep breathing, slow, heavy breaths.'

The last thing I can picture in my mind was 'what is going on?'

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