I'll Try

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Who knew how difficult is was having a broken ankle. It's so hard getting around the school as it is, but because everyone knows about the Luke thing, know one is helping me at all, I just get dirty looks.

My mum spent extra money to get me a pink cast. I love it. I also got it because pink was Carly's favourite colour, too.

I spend my lunch time in the cafeteria alone, well that's not entirely true, I sometimes have the opportunity to sit with Jeremy, the nerdy guy with pimples, oily black hair and thick glasses, he'd always had a major crush on me. He often sits there leaning over his lunch staring at me. I think he must of asked me out at least 20 times over the past two weeks. I'm flattered but I'm getting sick of it.


I've seen Carly in the cafeteria a few times, I try and speak to her as she passes, but by the time I'm up, she's gone. It sucks having your one best friend and the whole school mad at me. I wish I could take back what I wrote and felt. I've sent her several texts asking Carly for forgiveness, but she doesn't reply. Yesterday in the lunch room I decided I would just go and sit where Carly and the others sit.

I regret it, first when Carly and Sarah walked in and saw me, Sarah gave me a look that could've killed me. When Carly saw me she just stared angrily and then stormed over to me. She told me to 'get the hell off my table'. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to leave, it wasn't worth embarrassing my self in front of everyone. I grabbed my backpack, stood up and left with my head held high. As soon as I was out of the cafeteria I burst into tears. A nearby teacher came over and grabbed my backpack and led me over to the school therapist, Miss Kingston's office. I sit down and try to stop crying.


Trying to stop crying was harder than it looked. I thought Miss Kingston would be annoyed at me because I couldn't stop, But she was the opposite. She handed me a HUGE box of tissues, I gratefully took them. She then asked me what was wrong and I started to talk slowly, but then I couldn't stop myself, it all came out at once. I told her about my crush on Luke and how Carly found out and now she hates me. Miss Kingston just softly snickers. I just stared at her thinking 'how dare she laugh, she's meant to help me through this difficult time, not mock me.'

I couldn't take this. I stood up, and left.

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