7. We're soulmates

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Dallons head was spinning, Dallon was fucked up, angry at nothing, wanting nothing more than to curl up in his bed at home and shut out he world. But Ryan was ill and Dallon couldn't deal with people being sick, and he felt bad because Ryan was always there for him when he was ill, and he had goddamn band practice at Brendons.

His phone buzzed and he checked it, annoyed at the way his music quieted as the text came through, it was from Spencer.

I've got family stuff, can't make practice. Tell Bren for me (he's not answering)

Perhaps Dallon should turn back, call of practice which would be terrible with half his band mates gone. Or perhaps he should take the opportunity and go alone to Brendons, somehow that was more appealing, because even if he couldn't deal with the world, he wanted to see Brendon.

It used to be like that with Ryan, and while they hadn't fallen apart, it wasn't him on Dallons mind and he slowly shook his head, trying to shut out his senses.

Who knew you could be late to a meeting at your own home, but Brendon opened the door in only a towel, his hair dark and his lips forming apologies that he'd lost track of time, not that Dallon was actually listening.

Dallon was trying not to look at Brendons wrist, but his bracelet has slipped the smallest amount, and no matter how hard Dallon tried, he couldn't tear his eyes away from the 'on' it finished with. And he carried on watching as Brendon reached his arm up to run his fingers through his hair, he carried on watching as he realised exactly what was on Brendons wrist. He carried on looking at his own name captured in black ink against the blue veins.

Brendon invited him in, but the back end of his sentence trailed off as he caught the other boys gaze.
"Dallon" Dallons voice was soft and almost incredulous. "Its my name"

Brendon bit his lip, shifting his bracelet again to cover the impossible word.

"Is it me?"
And Dallon was wide eyes and nerves. And Brendon was silently cursing every deity he knew.

"How about you come inside"
Dallon nodded
"Its not necessarily me, like, theres more than one Dallon in the world, but, like, if you do like me back, thats, uh, cool"
Dallon was rambling.
And this could make anything 10x worse. But Brendons heart was beating fast enough that he couldn't hear the rational side of his brain. And all too soon it was lips upon lips and trying to go back upstairs into Brendons room or at least the shower before his towel slipped

And they made it to the bathroom, and the water was soaking Dallons jeans, his shirt lying discarded, what they were doing written all over the white fabric.

He remembered the couple he and Ryan had seen smoking, how they seemed to be one. He wanted them to be like that, to come together......in the least innocent sense of the phrase.

But, for once, Ryan wasn't on Dallons mind as he distracted himself with the soft skin under Brendons collarbone, with the smell of his freshly washed hair, with every part of Brendon that he'd willing gave over.

It felt wrong somehow, he could tell Brendon knew what he was doing, and it felt like sinning, went against every law Dallon had been told, but no-one could judge them here, in a locked room that echoed with not-quite gasps.

Dallon was still not sure if this was real, or just messed up wet dream he'd wake up from shaking and wishing he had a boy next to him.

But it wasn't, and now there were two boys in towels on Brendons sofa, music furthest from their minds.
"So" Brendon was the first to say anything serious, Dallon still high of the afterglow.

"So" Dallon grinned as he answered, his pupils still wide.

"What are we doing?" Brendon put his head in his hands, sighing into his palms.

"Whatever the fuck we want"
Dallon leaned over and put his head in Brendons lap, the only layer between them being a white towel that thankfully doesn't show stains of the same colour.

"I mean, what is 'we' who are 'us'. Are we a thing, a one-time fuck, soulmates"
"I thought you didn't believe in soulmates"
"I don't. But you do. And if you need us to pretend we're predestined before you fall for me, then I guess I can live with it."
"I already fell for you"
"Isn't that illegal?"
"Whats illegal is how hot you look shirtless, like did you give your soul to the devil for abs"
"I don't have abs"
"They're better than mine"

Dallon made a face at him, kissed his stomach and lay back down, internally deciding to treat Brendon as his boyfriend weather the other boy wanted it or not.

Dallon left when Brendons parents texted him to say they were nearly home, he doubted they'd appreciate a half-naked boy in their living room, especially as he was wearing Brendons pants (and underwear, but they didn't need to know about that). They were the wrong shape and size for him, but they smelled like his boyfriends dick, so he really didn't care.

Somehow this was real, somehow someone loved him back. Well, Ryan probably had, but he would never admit it, never admit how illegal his feelings were. Some part of him wanted to be punk enough to not care, but the problem was that he cared to much.

Honestly, it hurt to think about Ryan, he'd put so much of his heart into this unrequited romance, and now he had something real to channel it into. Maybe now they could pretend to be normal, pretend to have been only friends. Pretend soulmates were real.

Because maybe they were.

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