BTS is holding Auditions theirs a girl name y/n shes 19,shes not 19 whats her real age?,She came out of college early she might be smarted then RM,and she's yoongi's what...... find out in story.
After I got downstairs and all the members were by the bottom of the stairs and they yelled"Surprised!!!!"
I was confused"what's the surprise?"They looked slow for a minute somebody had to break the silence. "The surprise is me y/n u get to sing in my new song with me"said yoongi oppa.
I just stood there like a idiot ,"OPPAAAAAA!!!!!!!THANK YOU LOVE YOU!!!!" I showed my gummy smile but a little bigger,"Love u too and u welcome princess","Wait a minute u called me princess,u know damn well I don't act like a fuckin princess yoongi"I said while laughing and while yoongi looking at me like im nuts or something.
"Anyway let's go to the studio girl ver of me."I pouted and nodded my head then we left.We got to do studio and we immediately started recording. 1 month later We just posted are song on youtube and twitter this is are lyric MV we made:
Twitter Kookie:Why didn't y'all make a MV?
Yoongi's devil:Because we are lazy af and its tiring.
Hobi the sunshine: Whys your twitter name yoongi's devil?
Yoongi's devil:Whys your name Hobi the sunshine😏?
Hobi the sunshine:Ask the author.
AuthorJakyla:Because u and yoongi lookalike and both of u are a devil.
Yoongi's devil:oh ok
Hobi the sunshine:Whys my name Hobi the sunshine?
AuthorJakyla:because your a angel full of happiness and sunshine,and don't ask jungkook why I put your username as kookie i just couldn't think of a username for u,because you are just to much for my heart right now.
Kookie:aww thank u
AuthorJakyla: ok ok let me stop,let me finish this chapter so bye.
Yoongi'sdevil:i got to go to guys bye
Kookie:bye see y'all later y/n
Hobi the sunshine:see ya girl ver of yoongi.
U logged off of twitter and walked downstairs then u saw yoongi oppa jungshooked and plus that he was grinning like a idiot too.
"Oppa why are u grinning and why are u jungshooked?" "Because,look at the computer."u look at the computer,you were jungshooked and u and yoongi got 299k views and likes on your lyric MV(So Far Away)."We just posted that like 5 mins ago YOONGI!!!!!!!!!"I said with a excited voice.
"I know right."After a while of talking to yoongi,his phone was ringing."Oppa your phone!","oh right,I'll get it.After he was done talking on the phone he looked very excited then i hesitated and asked"Why are u excited?" "Y/n we are going to the MMA's!!!!" "OMG we are when is it?"I said curious and excited. "In 3 days " "Yea,ok wait what time it is?" "11oclock" "OH SHIT,IM GOING TO BED GOODNIGHT" "Theres going to be a thunderstorm tonight y/n." "Well im sleeping in your bed and hurry and come up stairs yoongi oppa!!"I yelled. "Ok im coming,princess" "WHAT DID U SAY,I SAID DON'T FUCKIN CALL ME PRINCESS DAMN IT"I yelled "Ok im coming damn"
After he said that I went to me and yoongi's room and this is what I pick to wear for pajamas:
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put my pajamas on and jump in yoongis bed trying to fall asleep while its thunderstorming outside.I was crying hard waiting for yoongi,I heard the door open,I turned around it was oppa.I jumped up at of bed and hugged him and I cryed in his chest."Y/n what's wrong?"he said with a concern tone. "Its t-t-thundering o-o-outside."I stuttered and said with a scared voice."ok,come on we need some rest get in the bed." "Ok Goodnight oppa."
OK,guys theres going to be a chapter that I will tell u a little about me,do watch out. and I know its kind of short but the next chapter im doing pov's and all types of shit so be warned and plus theres going to be swearings of course.The next chapter is going to be long so watch out