BTS is holding Auditions theirs a girl name y/n shes 19,shes not 19 whats her real age?,She came out of college early she might be smarted then RM,and she's yoongi's what...... find out in story.
My name is Min y/n.Im on my way to South Korea to Audition to be in BTS also to be the 8th member and this is what I wore:
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A few hours later after the plane landed a boy that looked 24 picked me up from the airport .He had a mask on like he was a korean celebrity which he's not!!When I said that he's not a celebrity I was wrong he took his mask off in the car,I was surprised that,He was Suga from BTS!!!!!! When I was in my thoughts suga was looking at me then I said (PS he's in the back seat with u). Oh um Suga u kind of look like my oppa, he had moved here 5 yrs ago and never came back. Oh,I look like him Yep,Now what's your real name?;because I forgot,I got a bad memory.If u tell me I will tell u mine. My name is Min Yoongi now yours My name is Min Y/N After he told me his and I told him mine. We both were shook,both of are last names are Min and when I was talking to him on the phone before i went on the airplane he said he had a sister,he haven't seen for a long time.I haven't seen my brother for a long time.
My mouth finally opened"Oppa!!!"I said.He looked at me with a happy impression,then hugged me.
He whispered"hi y/n"after that I seen his gummy smile for the first time in forever and I smiled too. After a while we made it to bighit,I saw Bang PD-Nim waving telling us to come in.We came and went to the practice room.I put my bag down.I heard foot steps coming from behind me.I turned around and it was BTS. They said" We are Bangtan Sonyeondan!" After that suga was laughing for no reason then I thought of right. Hi I'm Min Y/N,and yoongi's my brother.BTS except suga was jungshooked,when i said sugas my brother. Uhhh ok,what's your talent y/n?Namjoon said I can sing,dance,and rap.last thing you need to know is,I can rap like oppa. Oh OK now,to audition u got to dance to mic drop I nodded and the music started (Skip this and watch this later if u want to)
After u were done dancing oppa was clapping the rest of the members were clapping too. Good job y/n,your a better dancer then suga BTS said except suga said between breaths. Now we will discuss if u are the 8th member,we will be right back. OK namjoon Namjoon and the others went in the hallway to discuss it I made it or not.Im kind of worried tho,so I crossed my fingers until they came back. 5 minutes later They came back and said "Welcome to Bangtan sonyeondon y/n"! After that,I started to cry hard oppa came to me and hugged me and telling me not to cry,but I kept crying anyway.
Oh yea,can my stage name be Rap Angel namjoon plzzz.I gave him the puppy eyes (OmO),so he don't say no.
Yes,it can and suga show her where her room is namjoon said Suga nodded,he took your wrist and y'all went to the room.
Y/n me and u are sharing a room okay
OK,oppa did u know my IQ is 159 and means my IQ is higher then namjoon also I'm smarter then u.
So,your smarter then me huh
Yep,u got it oppa ^w^ I'm so sorry guys I will post every Tuesday,Wednesday,Friday,Sunday,and maybe Monday Byee