BTS is holding Auditions theirs a girl name y/n shes 19,shes not 19 whats her real age?,She came out of college early she might be smarted then RM,and she's yoongi's what...... find out in story.
Today me and yoongi oppa are going to the MMA'S.I woke up and went to take a shower this is,what i wore for the MMA'S👇(ignore the nose ring and face except the makeup)
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And this is what suga wore 4 MMA'S👆 We went downstairs and ate breakfast quickly and went outside to the limo."ladies first"yoongi said grinning.I went inside then yoongi sat next to me putting his arm around my shoulder."Im nervous yoongi"I said with my head on his shoulder,he was shocked when I said I was nervous."Did u just say u are nervous,I never imagine my twin would be nervous.Well don't be nervous your a min and min's are hard workers and never nervous or doubt their selves."he said that then I nodded my head and said it was true.We made it to the MMA'S i got out first then yoongi we saw people taking pictures and asking questions we hurried and did some poses and went inside.
~Time Skip~ After awhile they started with awards first."The Artist's Of The Year is.................Rap Angel and Suga"We got up and hugged each other then we got up and went to the stage."This is a real honor for the both of us,and if u might know Rap Angel (aka y/n) is my sister and thank u for the award"yoongi finished his speech then now it is my turn."WoW I never expected to get a award with suga (aka yoongi) its like a dream we tried hard for are Family,Armys,and BTS the members.We never gave up,thank u for the award"i bowed then me and yoongi went back to are seats and waited to see who gets the most views."The Song With The Most Views Is............"So Far Away" by suga and produced by suga and feat.Rap Angel."We hugged each other and Literally cried,we went to the stage and got are award and went backstage to get dressed and to get ready to perform "So Far Away".This is what me and yoongi wore👇
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We got are make up done and then the guy said we got 5 mins untill we go on stage. After we got are hair and make up done we went on stage and sang(sorry too lazy( ' ▽ ' )ノ).20 mins later we changed into this
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We left and went home.We came home and opened the door I saw my ex-boyfriend that cheated on me talking to jungkook."W-why is h-he here?"they turned my way looking confused."WHY IS HE HERE"I yelled on the verge of tears."H-he's my younger brother y/n"jin said with his eyes widen the his brother spoke"H-hey y/n how's it been"I walked over to him and slapped him."I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN chanyeol(I might of spelled his name wrong) AFTER WHAT U DID TO ME"tears came out and I ran upstairs to me and yoongi's room.I closed the door and cried on the bed untill I heard somebody knock on the door."Y/n are u okay,can I come in?","who is it"my voice sounded shaky."Yoongi"I got up opened the door and hugged yoongi."Do u know him y/n."
Yoongi's pov Y/n stormed up stairs and closed are door."Chanyoel u know y/n and tell me the truth?"I said calmly wanting to know."She's my ex-girlfriend" he said then my eyes widen."What did u do to her"."I don't know she just came over my house returning the necklace and the ring i gave her and saying we are done"he said playing with his hair then i nodded and went up stairs and knocked on the door."Y/n are u okay,can I come in?","who is it"she said with a shaky voice." "yoongi"I said worried i signed,she opened the door and hugged me this question poked up in my head I ended up saying it outloud."Do u know him y/n."she nodded and we walked over to the bed and sat on it."H-h cheated on me and he claimed that he didn't do anything but instead he had to make out with that slut Lisa plus she cheated on my friend jackson,I almost thought of sucide too."she said with a shaky but lonely voice."Do u know what kind of stuff he does when he lies"she nodded and said"He plays with his hair".We went downstairs and there was a girl with yellow highlights and rest of her hair is blonde and it was......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
(You thought no cliff hanger) It was lisa,she looked at me and kissed me."WTH(why the hell) ARE U KISSING MY BROTHER U SLUT"y/n said angry "Im his girlfriend"Lisa said."No im not"I said while looking disgusted.lisa slapped me and walked to the couch and held chanyeols hand."Chanyeol why did u lie to me and why did u cheat on y/n?"i said while clenching my fist."Im telling t-the t-t-truth."he said playing with his hair."Y-you did cheat on me with that slut of yours I'm surprised she didn't cheat on u yet but yet again she only using u for money thats what sluts do right?"y/n said smirking lisa got mad and got up then she...........
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