BTS is holding Auditions theirs a girl name y/n shes 19,shes not 19 whats her real age?,She came out of college early she might be smarted then RM,and she's yoongi's what...... find out in story.
After what happen last night im still fuckin scared tho I mean thunderstorms are scary for me,but anyway I was on twitter and there were a lot of hate's the comments Girl1:Shes a thot and a slut why is she even in BTS. Girl2:She only got in because her brother is yoongi oppa. Girl5:yea shes just using him,she has no talent at all. Girl3:shes a bitch,clut,and shes all of that. Girl4:she thinks she's all of that,shes just dumbass bitch that should die,she should be lonely. I read a little bit and I started crying loudly then suga woke up by my crying then he said"what's wrong Y/n"? I didn't answer i just kept crying then I answered"look at my phone"I lifted my phone up that showed all the hate comments,oppa looked at the comments I can see he's very pissed.He put his arms around my waist telling me don't worry about itZ,I will deal with it,I just cryed and cryed while he was hugging me from behind.Both of us fell asleep. 4 hours later "Y/n wake up, i know how much u hate people waking u up but we got a fansign in 30mins"yoongi said in a nice calmly toon."Ok oppa,now get out out and let meet get dress and make sure nobody eats breakfast until I come down and if they do tell them they will die before we get to the fansign"I said with a evilsh grin that made yoongi scared.He left out and went to the bathroom and took a shower this what I wore:
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This is what sugas wearing:
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I went downstairs to the kitchen everbody was talking and the food was not eating then everybody turn their eyes on me."wow u look just like suga and u are wearing something similar of what he's wearing,how come u and suga not twins he's 25 and your 19."j hope said "Guys i lied about my age im not 19 I am 24,suga already knew my age,I kept my age a secret" BTS except suga and u were shocked from what they just heard."So your not are girl maknae that means im a maknae again."jungkook said "yep exactly,me and oppa were supposed to be twins but he was born a year before me then the next year I was born on Match 9th his birthday so yea we are twins."I said full of courage "Y/n we got to go hurry and eat your got damn food and lets go before we leave u."yoongi said while walking out the door,I finished my last piece of bacon and put my plate in the sink and ran to the van."hey,open the got damn door before I fuckin call mom yoongi,if u think I'm playing shes right across the street."i said that and he pulled me in and put me on the seat beside him then jin pulled off and we went to the fansign.
At the fansign We made it to the fansign and the boys came in first and the fan girls/boys started yelling then I came in the fangirls started whispering to each other I just ignored it and sat by yoongi oppa.A fangirl that seem nice sat infront of u so u can sign her poster then all of a sudden she pulled your hair."owwww w-w-what are u doing."I said to the fangirl "GET AWAY FROM ARE YOONGI OPPA"the fangirl said "Oppa plz help me this girl is pulling my hair"I said that and yoongi grabbed the fangirls wrist and said"Why are u doing this to my twin sister"he said full of anger and disappointment. "Because she's a slut and a thot,ever fangirl hate her,she needs to die and she deserves to die."the fangirl said, that was enough for me ,a tear came rolling down my cheek."WHAT DID I EVER DO TO U FANGIRLS, I JOINED BTS BECAUSE I HAD TALENT,I WANTED TO SEE MY BROTHER,I TRYED MY BEST TO JOIN BTS AND Y'ALL SAID I MADE IT TO BTS BECAUSE MY BROTHER YOONGI IS IN BTS,DO U KNOW THAT THOSE COMMENTS HURTED MY FEELINGS"I said that and the whole room got silent i hugged yoongi and cryed like its no tomorrow."I'll call the manager and tell her that we will leave early from the fansign"said namjoon we nodded and left.
What will happen the next chapter I don't really know just asking y'all for ideas O(≧∇≦)O(♥ω♥*)