BTS is holding Auditions theirs a girl name y/n shes 19,shes not 19 whats her real age?,She came out of college early she might be smarted then RM,and she's yoongi's what...... find out in story.
Y/n's pov (Don't play the video)After we left the fansign i sat in the back with yoongi oppa resting my head on his shoulder trying to forget what that fangirl did to me.I couldn't believe what the fan did to me i didn't know they hated me this much to pull my hair.Soon as we got home me and yoongi oppa went to are room to get change, this time i didn't feel like looking for a shirt or washing one so i just wore pajama pants and just wearing my bra.I went to sleep on yoongi's bed but he took my favorite spot(the back of yoongi the wall)so i slept infront of him then cuddled with him(A/n plz no negative thoughts,but just wait the story is going have a little comedy and triggering stuff.......ok i will stop but im dead serious😑😈)
Morning I woke up and see that oppa was shocked about something then I looked at the door I see six guys looking at me blushing hard as a blooming flower."I forgot im just wearing a bra and pants"I said in my head."O-Oppa c-can i-i use one of your s-shirts and GUYS STOP FUCKIN LOOKIN AT ME ITS EMBARRASSING AF."they nodded and left,oppa closed the door and still covering me while I put one of his shirts on."oppa u seen me walk around with a bra on before so stop covering me and covering your eyes."I said with a light tint of pink on my cheeks."ok,why didn't u wear a shirt?" "I was too lazy to wash'em and tell jin oppa to wash"em for me."I signed then i remebered i got to go to the coffee shop,even if I go yoongi oppa still going to follow me."Yoongi oppa I got to go to the coffee upcross the street can u follow me?"I said with a little aegyo in my voice."yes u can but u can't go outside with that on."he said that I looked at my self and hit my head with my palm."ok,can u please get out so I can change"he nodded and left the room.I took a shower and this is what I wore:
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Yoongi's pov (Start song after me) "Oppa follow behind me plz and come on"i nodded my head while im like 19 inchs away from her.she was getting ready to open the door to coffee shop then a man grabbed her and getting ready to rape her in a alley then she yelled"Oppa!!!!!!!"y/n kept saying then the guy covered her mouth and started raping hee then 1sec later I came and punched the guy and called the police. "O-Oppa h-he a-almost r-raped me"y/n said crying then i hugged her and we walked home while i was comforting her.We opened the door to see a jin worried and mad."Where have u two been I was worried and I was even more worried when I heard the police sirens." "Y/n got raped by a guy or i should say almost got raped"I said while thinking about killing the fuckin guy, I already got to handle the fuckin anti fans."Y/n go in the room and change,and give me your phone don't worry im going to put 911 on speed dial."she nodded and gave me her phone then went upstairs to are room."Jin tell the others to walk behind or beside y/n when she says shes going somewhere i don't won't her to go anywhere with out us knowing."Jin nodded and went to the living room to talk to the others about what happened,i went upstairs to see y/n she was on the bed still trembling in fear."Y/n here's your phone and stop trembling im right here nothings going to happen to u"I said it with a worried tone."But I almost lost my virginity to that guy"she said still trembling."Its ok lets go asleep and if u ever going somewhere tell me and the others so one of us can hold your hand and act like your boyfriend"I said looking at her,"ok"she said and we fell asleep cuddling.
BTS's pov Tae:She got what!!!!!! Jin:She didn't get raped she almost got raped. Tae:Oh(T_T) Jungkook:Why the hell,why did yoongi hyung go easy on him. Jin:First of all LANGUAGE second yoongi was trying not kill the guy plus that he didn't want to go to prison because of murdering somebody. Jimin:Well so if y/ns going somewhere one of us got walk beside her everday,jungkook going to walk beside her first because u know jungkook is strong second the death glare he rarely uses is scary and we got a clear schedule for 2 weeks so we might have to get her a bodyguard in 2 weeks or 3. Jin:Who told u we got a clear schedule for the past 2 weeks? Jimin:The manager and by the way wheres hobi and namjoon hyung? Jungkook:Their sleep im surprised hobi hyung ain't down here making a lot of noise and acting weird,he used to act cool in are pre debut days. Hobi:What are u talking about kookie,I was under the cover on the couch on my phone. Jungkook:so u heard are whole conversation? Hobi:yep most likely and what the heck why u say im not cool,well im still cool but on stage. Jimin:What ever why dont u curse like the rest of us? Hobi:Because im the ray of sunshine,and the sunshine don't curse. Jin:im going to bed , jimin if u don't go to bed in 5 mins I'm taking your plushes,and jungkook I will take your iron man plushes if u don't go to bed in 5 mins. Jungkook&jimin:awww fine Hobi:im going to bed Goodnight Jin:Don't act like I forgot u tae if u don't go to bed im taking your games and ailen plushes. Tae:Thats not fair but ok
Nobody's pov They all went sleep except tae because he was under the covers playing the games on his phone. Authorjakyla:go to sleep v before I snitch Tae:who u going to tell Autherjakyla:jin Tae:im not scared of him Authorjakyla:u sure about that Tae:yep Authorjakyla:I be right back 5mins later Jin:give me your phone or your games are getting sold Take:fine Authorjakyla:heh remember im the author of this story I can get woozi with his guiter and drag u to the hole if I want to. Woozi:want me to um drag him to the hole now or....... Authorjakyla:not now,go to sleep tae. Tae:ok
A/n I did 1179 words yeahhh and I'm sorry for not posting it just that im busy and working on my other story. My twin sister is the 8th member make sure u look at the story bye ( ´ ▽ ' )ノ( ´ ▽ ' )ノ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌(。♥‿♥。)(ノ^o^)ノ