BTS is holding Auditions theirs a girl name y/n shes 19,shes not 19 whats her real age?,She came out of college early she might be smarted then RM,and she's yoongi's what...... find out in story.
Lisa got up and slapped me then I slapped her back.She should know not to mess with Min Y/n im a savage bitch. Yoongi came and push lisa off me before I had to kill her the i smirked."lisa I know all the boyfriends u had and used,u only used them for popularity and money.Everybody knows u are a slut but u know its true.sluts sleep with guys,use guys,steal there money,and act like u love them u bitch what kind of person does that oh wait sluts do"I said laughing at the fact that it is true."Y/n thats enough!!"yoongi yelled at me with angry.tears forced them selves out my eyes."Oh so u on her side too huh,even my own brother betrayed me,my life sucks and Let me go yoongi."he didn't let go."I SAID LET GO YOONGI"I yelled and forced my hand out of his grip.I ran up stairs and sat by my bed crying.
Until somebody knocked on the door but I decided to ignore it then they knocked again"Leave me alone yoongi"i yelled. "Its me Jin oppa"I opened the door and hugged him tight."Jin oppa h-he y-yelled at me he knows im s-sensitive but he still yelled at me,he didn't even say sorry to me"he hugged me back. "He feels guilty I know he does he just don't show it"jin said running his hand threw my hair."Is that slut gone and your brother too"he nodded. "Let's go downstairs baby"jin said kissing my forehead.We walked downstairs to the table i sat by yoongi,I didn't want to sit by him but its are sitting arrangement jin oppa made.It was awkward and silent then someone broke it.It was the idiot so called my brother."y/n im sorry for making u cry and"he got cut off by me."If u were sorry u would been came to my room like jin did and apologize,now shut up talking me im not in the mood."I said with a cold tone."y/n just give him a chance"jimin said. "Ugh fine let me just finish eating and take a shower"he nodded.I got up and went upstairs to take a shower. This what I wore:
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This what yoongi wore after he came out the shower
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i laid down and yoongi took off his top. shirt because he feels uncomfortable with a shirt on when he sleeps."Y/n i-i-i-im sorry what happen earlier"he said feeling guilty and shy."I-its okay I went way to far on her but its true what I said earlier."I smiled but still see yoongi sheding a tear."I said its okay oppa,u didn't mean to yell at me."I came and hugged him the he hugged me back still crying silently."let's go to bed oppa"he nodded,and we laid down.We cuddled,I loved cuddleing with him because he's warm and soft but I just realized that he's shirtless but I don't fuckin care.(See what I did there blackbear hahaha im funny)
Morning I slowly opened my eyes to flashing lights and giggles.i woke up to see jin oppa,kookie,v,and jimin."Y'all goin to regret waking me up when yoongi wake up were coming for u"they ran to there rooms while yoongi opening his eyes slowly looking mad."yoongi oppa jin oppa,kookie,v,and jimin kept making noises to wake us up."then me and yoongi started to thinking what do.