BTS is holding Auditions theirs a girl name y/n shes 19,shes not 19 whats her real age?,She came out of college early she might be smarted then RM,and she's yoongi's what...... find out in story.
(Pretend your JHope since your a good dancer in the story) I woke up on a Monday morning luckily school doesn't start to until tomorrow so im super happy.But i might get bullied for being the only girl in BTS but honestly i can beat the girls asses or.......act like oppa meaning to act cold. Good job y/n u just came with a idea.Soon as I was done talking to myself my phone rang. The caller ID says Manager nim, i immediately grabbed my phone and answer. Manager nim:Annyeohaseyo y/n can u please tell the boys they got dance practice at 2:00 to 5:00.
You:Ne, me and jungkook are going early to get the dance down
Manager nim:Ok see yah
I hanged up and took my lazy ass to the bathroom cause. I. STINK. I did my make up and put on girlish clothes because that's all I got.Because I forgot to wash my clothes plus I was to lazy to do it yesterday.By the way this what I'm wearing.
I went downstairs to make breakfast in jins kitchen.After a few minutes I'm done , I looked at the time and look at the door to see jungkook smiling."Tf kookie u fast as fuck, when did u come down here"I yelled well not that loud for jin to hear."I came down here when u were rapping and cooking at the same time"he said.I scratch my head and chuckled nervously."Lets hurry up"he tilted head."Who are you talking to"I looked up at him."I'm talking to the wall"I said sarcastically."Well that a pretty sexy wall if u ask me"I playfully slapped him on his shoulder then grabbed my keys to my car.
~~~~~~~ Time Skip brought to you by Jimins Jams ~~~~~~~ We made it to BigHit. As soon as we got in I went to the nearest bathroom close to the practice room.This what I change into
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know, i know yoongi probably going to come in with similar clothes but I don't care.Oh did I mention I left a note on each of their desk so they could know me and jungkook going to the practice room. And come to the practice room at 2:00.We started practiceing and I got the dance down but I can't get the mirror part right
Because I keep laughing, kookie impressions be on point but bro.I can't take him seriously is because in the DNA era I had to face him at the end and he had made a funny face while raising one eyebrow.They keep telling me to stop laughing and be serious for once.